Wednesday 17 December 2014

Christmas cards….

I'm still at it, why do I never make enough, I seem to start early enough!
These were made with the bargain stamps I got a Happy Stampers!
I actually used glitter on some and then got a bit of a taste for it as you will see in another post.

While I'm here I must tell you about the fabulous blog hop going on over at A Vintage Journey! Not only is there a fabulous giveaway on offer but some brilliant inspiration! You've got until the 21st December to take part!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Hello Miss Chris,I just love your cards, your bargain stamps have created some gorgeous cards, I'm still trying to finish my cards and gifts, it's never ending every year, I thought I started early too.I hope I can get some time to visit the Lady's at Vintage Journey, I saw a few on FB and they have some some special creating for the holidays, I hope you have a GRRRREAT Holiday season, ((( BIG HUGS ))) Thanks for always visiting my nest its a pleasure when you stop by,,,...

  2. These are so pretty, Chris - I love the colour palette, and the touches of glitter are perfect. Off to see what else you've been sparkly with... on constant catch up at the moment, it seems!
    Alison xx

  3. You and me both Chris! These cards are really lovely, I do love those CI hare stamps, they always make me smile. Thanks for mentioning AVJ's blog hop too! Big hugs, Anne xx

  4. I'm really late getting round to all my blogging friends's been one of those days :-)
    It looks like a lot of us have been doing a good bit of last minute card making Chris :-) Enjoy.
    Annie x #21

  5. You are SO much more organized than I. I never start until the first part of Dec. Can't seem to get in the mood, although I really WANT to make them in January. Your cards are gorgeous. Truly lovely, and SO WELL DONE. I must come and learn to stamp with you. You do it so well.

    I hope this catches you up, because we definitely don't have much longer. I just posted the last of my US cards yesterday. Now it's time to make a few gifts I'll hand deliver.

  6. Wow, these are pretty fantastic bargain stamps! What an amazing collection Chris! holiday hugs :)
