Wednesday 30 July 2014


Is it really Wednesday again? Oh! OK, so it is time to show my desk, some weeks certainly do go faster than others and I see from quite a few folk around Christmas is on it's way!!! Here we all are - I was going to say Julia's extended family, but I don't want to scare her off - she's been ill you know! Julia, the guide to the desk around the world, how else would we get to meet up? Details are on her blog here.
What's on mine? A few things that need doing - 
Some stamps that I can finally mount now I've bought the mounting sheet, some paper and card to go through the process of die cutting and an experiment with different glues following a fab idea I saw from Darcy on the Paper Artsy blog.
If you have time take a look - it's fascinating!
Now, if you are of a nervous disposition look away now….
to the left
I really have no idea how everything got in this state… next job I think! I really can't cram anymore in there!! 
Oh! and that is a Christmas card you see bottom right - shop bought but has an interesting middle so I'm going to take it apart and see if I can make my own bigger version…..

Off to see 'Hercules' with hubby and grandson so I'll probably get around later!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Ooh have a nice time with Hercules! Your box of stamps looks like my box of scrap papers, but I prolly won't get to it any time soon! The ideas with the glue look fascinating..that Darcy is so clever. and where would we be without waxed paper?!!

  2. Thanks for sharing you desk with us. Lots of thinks to see there. Happy WOYWW

  3. Hi Chris I really love that glue idea :-)
    Annie x # 19

  4. Oooh glue play, I'm liking that idea, must try that. Your to-the-left looks productive, we always do that i think, make a productive pile of stuff! Lol Take care Zo xx 43

  5. Hope your glue playing was more successful than mine!
    Take care. Jan S

  6. LOL! I just ordered a grab bag (or two) of unmounted stamps so I guess I'd better source some mounting foam as well. Interesting glue experiments...I'll have to follow up and have a look at the inspiration post. I'm intrigued...

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  7. Love the teapot & teacup stamps in the top pic. Your colorful experiment with glue makes me think of old marbled book end papers.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #16

  8. What would the faint of heart be doing wandering around looking at crafters' desks anyway?!!! Personally I think that's the best shot of them all, although the glue does have me curious. Judy #76

  9. you make me feel a bit better, Chris!! hope you enjoyed Hercules The glue experiments have worked really well, I've not had time to play yet! helen 7

  10. Took a look at Darcy's site - golly - didn't she have fun with that there gel?!
    Great experiment on your desk with the same gel. Love the colours.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  11. Lots to look at and another new thing for me to try. Hope Hercules was good. Anne x #25

  12. Oh, you really made me laugh with the dog related comments!! Thanks for that, you made my day :-)
    That glue technique looks really fun (if messy!) Did you enjoy doing it? Hope Hercules was fun too!
    Hugs, LLJ 2 xx

  13. Now that glue makes for a really interesting desk. I will have to check out the site.
    Sandra de @52

  14. I will also be popping over to see what that glue experiment is all about, I'm very curious now. It looks great. Have a great week, Hugs, Shax #6 xxx

  15. I think my post got eaten, lol. Or you may get this twice! I shall also be popping over to have a look at the glue experiment, I'm very curious now. It looks very interesting. Have a great week, Hugs, Shax #6 xxx

  16. like your glue experimentation, I saw Darcy's project and love your interpretation

  17. wphaar! Hercules! I loved him when he was The Rock on American Wrestling - he's come a long way since then .....
    Being as how most people are mentioning the 'C' word I suppose I had better give in and make a start!!!

  18. That's a busy corner you are showing us Chris. You have me intrigued on the technique so I am off to have a looky.
    Hugs, Neet xx
