Sunday 13 July 2014

Reverse Canvas

I've always loved looking at what Alison of Words and Pictures creates and will always aspire to make something half as good (believe me  - half as good would make me happy!) When I saw Alison's reverse canvas this week for Paper Artsy I just loved the colour combination she used. 
Now, I didn't have the Fresco colours she had so went for the next best thing (so I thought!) Cobalt Blue and Guacomole. I used a small canvas I'd had sitting on top of my shelf for a while and tried as far as I could to follow Alison's method. One thing I couldn't resist was trying my new crackle paste mixed with a little guacamole. I decide to use LPCO13 (the Hot Picks one has gone on to my never-ending list of "needs")stamped in grey but - alas and alack - the paint combo doesn't show through (another two colours for my list ha! ha!)So, ploughing on, don't have many metal embellishments (they are already on list!)so did the best I could with flowers and brads.

The flowers are just from my huge collection! Must use them more - there are loads - something with GD maybe?

Thanks so much for the inspiration Alison - I would never have thought of reversing the canvas by myself!!

I am linking this to Paper Artsy

Thanks for looking, off to the land of little or no connections so apologies now - comments on blogs may be very brief this week!



  1. Chris this is delightful! Not sure if I'll get time to play along this week...

  2. The flowers are a good substitute to the metal embellishments, plus you're making an inroad in your stash... Love the crackle and the cobalt colour looks good to me!

  3. I think we are all the worst critics of our craft projects and this is where blogger helps in boosting our confidence. Your canvas is beautiful Chris and I certainly wouldn't think this is your first attempt at one and as for your crackles....superb. I still haven't mastered this. Until you order more metal embellishments double emboss your die cuts with a metallic powder and rub a little black stazon or paint on to finish for a faux metal look.
    Hope your enjoying your weekend, Julie x

  4. I think this has turned out beautifully! I'm a big fan of Alison too and I also want that set now!

    Lucy x

  5. You did a great job with limited supplies. Lists are endless aren't they.

  6. This turned out so lovely, fab crackling and the flowers are a perfect substitute.

  7. It's really pretty, Chris - I love the paler flowers in amongst the blues and greens, and that links to the paler background behind the tissue stamping. I did get my tissue paper quite wet with glue both under and over, so maybe that's what made the difference with the colour showing through - or maybe just the thickness of the paper? Anyway, I'm so happy you had fun playing along - and I love the result!
    Alison xx

  8. Lovely blending to get such a variety of colours, very pretty canvas you've achieved.

  9. Oh wow. This is gorgeous. You did a fantastic job with the products you had. I'm a big advocate of using what you have rather than what others have used. I LOVE this. Have a fun time in the land of no internet!

  10. I thought Alison's reverse canvas was brilliant. I'm not even into that kind of art (paper on paper only for me) and it made me want to try it. I hardily applaud your fantastic job with this one. I love the colors, so yummy.
