Wednesday 10 July 2013


I've lost it, in fact I've lost quite a few things! I suppose I should really say mislaid as I know they are in there somewhere! This is the result of travelling back and to and getting back on Monday night and dumping everything out of my bag on top of what was already there! 
I had intended tidying but yesterday was open day here so there was a lot to be doing - you know, sitting in the sun chatting, having a strawberry tea and when all the visitors had gone Brian kindly kept the barbie going so we could bring our own along and have our own private party!
We then had to up and attend a meeting concerning a proposed building development at the back of our block - as it turns out we need not have worried as it is planned to be exactly as we hoped it would and won't spoil our view - it will be nice to that derelict bit of land used and they are keeping the lovely front of the pub and building on to it.
So, to my desk, be warned it's not pretty, although I'm sure it will give some of you chance to poke around, tidy it if you like!!!
I know!! I have to make a card tomorrow (last possible date) so I will have to knuckle down! I am only here because of Julia, I do wish she wouldn't encourage this attitude of just show your desk no matter what state it's in! I am hoping to see some messy desks today so I don't feel so bad! 
Thanks for visiting, Chris


  1. I love the state of your desk! Julia is right! :D Uniflame - 85

  2. Hi Chris,
    I have to say your desk is by no means the worse I've seen today and I did enjoy a good rummage :-)
    Annie x # 61

  3. Glad you are not having a monstrosity outside and, as you say, will be nice to see land being used.
    Sounds as if yesterday was well enjoyed by all - and a private b'becue is always good to have.
    Thanks for the visit - Hugs, Neet xx 9

  4. Oh ! I know the feeling ... mine looks far worse than yours though and I just don't know where to start :-(
    Great to visit you :-)

    Happy WOYWW

    IKE xx #93

  5. Your desk looks totally fine to me:)

    Lynda #82

  6. Hi Chris, This desk is easy to sort, just pick up the book at the front, dump it on top of the stuff at the back and ta dah! space to craft lol! Your Ive lost it comment took me back to my dear old mum as to what she would say. It went something like. 1) It must be somewhere! 2)It will be where you left it. 3) Where did you last have it? non of which were very helpful as to you finding it, but it was funny listening to her saying it like she was helping. Have a great day. Hugs Mo x #60

  7. Think I'd LOVE to tidy it. So which TH session are you on then? I'm in the afternoon and have visited one desk of a morning attendee so far today. Thanks for visiting me already BJ#36

  8. I love the fact that Juliet encourages us to show our death what ever the state
    Yours just looks like someone who's been doing lots of crafting!!!!! Jackie 15

  9. Now THAT is what I call a desk! :D Looks just like mine!! Perfect!

    Take care and Happy WOYWW

    Jackie #78

  10. Haha, your desk gave me a good laugh. My desk looks exactly like that sometimes =) cleaning it up can be fun...usualy I end up playing with what I find on the desk =)
    Happy WOYWW and I wish you a wonderful week.
    xx Monique #106

  11. Lol! That's a mess! :) Looks like fun though!

    Katie (103)

  12. Looks just fine to me - left shove will solve everything so you can get crafting tomorrow!!
    Have a great week.
    Margaret #66

  13. Glad you have had success with the building close by. It is always a worry when someone wants to build things on derelict land. I also like to look at messy desks as there is usually lots more to see and drool over. Thank you for your visit today and you are quite right, I am definitely being tested. Yesterday was a battle with British Gas who had put my payments up without even telling me, despite the fact that I am well in credit even after the rotten winter and spring. I won and they left it as it was. Today, I came close to success by getting the caravan makers to agree to sort a solution to the fact that the hand brake is impossible for a woman to operate. The roof is looking good so far, and fits in well with the age of the house and all the others around. Have a good week. xx Maggie #10

  14. I love your messy desk! I wish I could just leave all my stuff and not have to be always clearing away when I'm half way through a project. I have been promised a little summer house in the garden when we have enough money stashed away! I can't wait! So glad you won't be looking out onto something ugly - great news! Have a lovely what's left of WOYWW! Julie Ann xx #55

  15. Oh Chris, what a wonderful thought--if we could just invite our woyww friends who LIKE to tidy desks to just have at it, how fabulous would THAT be?

    I might have a clean desk for once!!

    Thank you for visiting me this WOYWW, I appreciate your comment!

    delighted to be #26 this week, instead of my usual 200--something!

  16. I know that problem so well at the moment - I keep unpacking one set of stuff over the top of last week's stuff, and the layers just get deeper and deeper (and that's not even crafty stuff!!). Glad to hear you had a lovely open day...
    Alison x

  17. Desk layering seems to be the IN thing this week....LOL Mine would have looked the same, but I had to put things away instantly to get some DT work done and posted as I was right on top of the deadline!!
    Krisha #5

  18. Well you and I are kindred spirits in our messes this week. Your's certainly made me feel better that I'm not the only one and I hope you feel the same about mine. However please note that I added an "after" pic!! When will we see your's?
    Love Jo x
    Mess happens when you are having other fun!

  19. Loving your desk, looks like so much is going on! Take care Zo xx 65

  20. Well, I think you have me beat but I do have a wonderfully messy desk, too! :) Pop by and see it if you want and no worries about getting a comment in...I know its terribly late in the WOYWW cycle! :) Deeyll #48
