Tuesday 5 February 2013

You win some - you lose some!

I had a card to make for a male relative this week but didn't bring anything away with me remotely manly! I did bring my Craft Stamper which arrived before we came away and I saved until we got here (just to prove I do have some craftwise will power lol)
I also had a little shopping expedition to Kendal so popped into Kitten and the Goat just down the road from my favourite Reticule fabric shop. The shop is amazingly well stocked for such a small space and Pandy has lots of examples of her own work on display - scrumptious!
I only went in for some little pink gems to mend something for Rita, but as Pandy was showing me the colours she had I spied some fantastic papers - The Chronology range by Docraft - all steampunky and manly - hmmm, OK, then up above them Tando Creative steampunky hearts and some lovely keys, hmmm, OK, Pandy showed me something she had made and I have seen lots of projects on blogs so I came away with those and very happy was I!
I was meeting hubby in WH Smiths and guess what, on the front of magazine a Chronology stamp with lots of cogs, a globe and a watch - so, I have my ingredients!
Saturday evening, feet up, magazines open found something that inspired me so gave it a go on Sunday
Not happy, smudged the ink, and a slightly odd shape, so yesterday, another cold windy day I made this
Much happier and this is the one I'll send.
So if you want to see the original it is in the March Craft Stamper
Paula used a Stampotique stamp, which looks amazing but I think my steampunk version looks ok too!
Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Got the mag and saw the article. Yours is tops and full of your own imagination.

  2. Very cool card, Chris - the final version is really fabulous with the tiny letters too!
    Alison x

  3. Hi Chris, your card looks more than ok......It's fabulous. :-) Be in touch properly soon, I promise....Thanks for all your lovely blog comments, they mean a lot. XXXX
