


Wednesday 30 January 2013


Not a lot going on here today, but I have plans! If you would like to know why I am showing a picture of my desk then take a look at the Stamping Ground hosted by Julia and all will be explained!
So, last week hubby and I took a trip into Manchester and I had two Paperchase vouchers to spend! My youngest son bought me one for Mothers day last year but I had instructions not to use it until we moved - well, some of you know how long that took! I then mislaid it in the move only to find it just before my birthday in December when he gave me another one - so being me I thought I'd get to their sale before it finished!I've still got some to spend because the little Moleskines I wanted were out of stock!

So in the middle is a new journal - a different size for me as most of mine are small or A5 and not only that there are little pockets to put stamps or paper in -Yay!!. I've been adding to this on and off during the week - just to test the paper you understand! It seems to take inks and paint well and I've yet to stamp on it.The two little journals have been there as mop-ups.
As we've been home for a while I've had a chance to re-organise some things
 My smaller stamp sets - put where I can reach them -(LABELS ON LOL!!!!)- so I don't have to open each one.
With another of my PC purchases I have re-organised my little scrap collection that lives on my desk
 So now I have three 
cases-1 blues,greens,
      2 reds, yellows,
      3 browns,whites,
      and blacks

As you can see, I don't use many reds or yellows. 
So the start of a new organised me - for now He! He!

I am hoping to see lots of desks today, as apart from an afternoon tea that's taking place here we aren't going anywhere, though I might go for a riverside walk before it rains!
Hope you have fun day, Chris



YoriとYayie said...

Happy Wednesday.. How I wish I would be able to organize my scraps... I always end up pulling them all out...

Riya #96

Joanne said...

HAHA! that's given me a good laugh Chris. Organised, I say, organised. You know as well as me - it won't last. Your'e a crafter now..........ROFL

Roudi said...

Love your journal pages! I know how it's like when put something into a "safe" place and end up hiding it exceptionally well. Even from yourself! lol

Thank you for visiting me already. xx
Roudi #94

Helen said...

I love Paperchase...!! Hope the new organised you lasts... Have a great week. Helen, 9

Artyjen said...

ooh! Lucky you having a Paperchase close by ;) Love that place....have fun in those journals.
xoxo Sioux

famfa said...

Great organising. Love paperchase too, we don't have it in canada. Glad you found you voucher. Have a nice walk
Famfa 92

Unknown said...

Well done, I must tidy the floor behind my chair as i seem to have an overspill there!

Almo said...

I am very impressed with yur organising, a place for everything and everything in its place - till next week! LOL. Hugs Mo

ria gall said...

wow you have been busy both in your craft space and spending your vouchers, always nice to do a bit of quilt free shopping. Thanks for sharing today
Ria #44

The House of Bears said...

Your journal page is looking good, and your organising sounds great, we try to stay organised but do have a habit of just throwing things back in any box t the end of a craft session.

Thanks for visiting the bears today.

Annie said...

You are so organised today :-)
I'm rather late in getting round today but have had to wait til my twinnie grandees went home first...they arrived yesterday morning and had their first sleep over without Mum and Dad last night....just magic :-)
A x #62

JoZart Designs said...

Lovely organisation there Chris! Lucky you getting to Paperchase in Manchester and for the sale too. A crafty friend took me to the Tottenham Court Road branch in London and we were 4 hours in there!!! Manchester is such a fab branch too. Glad you like my fancy dress and you're right it will make memories I'm sure.
Love Jo x

Julia Dunnit said...

Afternoon tea huh - how nice, hope it was lovely. Great looking re-organisation, bet you cant wait to put it entirely tot he the labelling..I should do that with my 4 sets!!

Sheilagh said...

Can you give me some tips on organisation? Your desk looks so tidy. I am a Paperchase fan too :)

Sheilagh 79

Words and Pictures said...

Labelled stamp storage - now there's advanced! And sorted scraps... what's going on?!
Love the look of your new journal, it's really beautiful!
Alison x

Claire Grantham said...

Happy WOYWW! I laughed when I read your comment about Paperchase..I spent a large portion of my day (30th) in PC - you would love it, it's got 3 floors...I too have a scrap collection that lives on my desk, I thought I was the only one LOL. Now I can be guilt free..Cx #88

Liz B said...

I LOVE your journal page! What beautiful blues! Moleskines are pretty wonderful too. :) Happy Wednesday!

Joynana said...

Wow, you are really busy, shopping and then organizing and labeling the stamp sets and a new journal too. You Rock. #83

Queenie Jeannie said...

I keep hearing about Paperchase around the blogs....sounds lovely! Great job on your organizing too! Enjoy!!!

Jeannie #12

Lucy said...

I love looking around Paperchase when i get Christmas money! Some of their books are amazing. I have one that has squared, lined, manuscript and plain paper in and it also has little cardboard pockets and a plastic zipper pocket at the back that I use for my observations. Love the stamp storage! Have a great week - Lucy #23 x

Gaby said...

Love your journal page!
Your desk looks so tidy and organized - fab!
Gaby #98

Caro said...

Wow, you are so organised and that journal looks fantastic. I am sure you will enjoy that for many weeks to come. Thanks for sharing. Happy belated WOYWW. Caro #60

Nan G said...

Nicely organized! We're all envious! I'm a bit late desk hopping... Happy WOYWW! Nan 107

April said...

It's always nice to have more to spend. :-) I wish my stamps were as organized as yours - mine are chaos. April #101