Wednesday 16 January 2013


What a glorious day to show a desk - frosty and sunny, my favourite sort of day! Who shall I show my desk to? Well, anyone who joins in the fantastic Julia's whizz around the world! See here for more desks and how to join in!
So...what is on my desk - not a lot - today
My flower that I made with the sandwich bag paper-waiting with a craft tag,text stamp(for the life of me I don't remember where from - it was one of my first buys when I started crafting), The Paris stamps still there, not got around to doing anymore to my journal, to the right of my mat on top is my Diary, newly covered and waiting for more doodles and stamping and underneath that...well, if you want a tale about those books you can look here and here!
Oh! and this was my desk at 9.30 yesterday morning, 

I only took the photo to show my cleaner - don't panic, I've not come into money, in our new flat as a part of the maintenance fee we get one and a half hours cleaning a week - although Rita, bless her does my ironing usually!I just wanted to show her how well I'd done! However it will go someway to explaining my tale if you have time to look!
Just to finish, here is that little flower
Now, we're off to the cinema, I know, just like buses, don't see one for ages than two come along together. We're going to see Hugh Jackman...err, I mean Les Miserables!
I'll pop along later to see who I can, Thanks to those who visited mine last week, Chris


  1. Ooh, look how many of my favourite people are 9-ers this week! Your flower is absolutely exquisite, Chris... and I love your scary picture for your cleaner!! Hope you enjoy the film - from the trailers I've watched, Hugh Jackman looks and sounds a-ma-zing!! Happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  2. Hehehe I'm chuckling here cos if ever I had a cleaner I just know I would have to clean up before they arrived :-)
    A x #50

  3. Love that flower!I too have loads of stamps bought a long time ago. and no idea who made them! Glad I'm not alone. Thing is, I never expected to be doing something like a blog, so it never occurred to me to make notes of such things, :)Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx#65

  4. Enjoy Les Mis, it's meant to be brilliant, if long!Your desk looks very tidy. I love script stamps, you can never have enough/too many! Helen, 10

  5. Love your flower. enjoy Les Mis, we are supposed to be going on Monday evening as we already going to see the one about the Tsunami on Saturday. Anyway enjoy and if you are like me you will need loads of tissues.

  6. Hi Chris, I made a comment on Julias post today about we should do before and after pics for a giggle and I come onto your blog and hey 2 photos before and after and yes it made me giggle. Hope you enjoy the film, we saw the impossible yesterday le mis is next week.
    Mo x

  7. oo ooo purple craft mat i need me one of them!!! i just have a boring green one!

    Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #46 {i think?!}

  8. I love the little flower and I have to give you credit for a quick clean up of your desk. Thanks for sharing
    Ria #114

  9. Great little flower Chris. I like to use coffee filters...spritz them with color, allow to dry and then stamp or ink them if you wish and cut out with a punch or die. Cheaper then buying and just as nice I think! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great week. Vickie #43

  10. Hi Chris... you've done a great job there for your cleaner! I bet she would quake if she had to put all your stash away and you would never find it again. hope Les Mis was great... can't wait to see it.
    Love Jo x
    Are you going to Media City at the Trafford Centre for the big show? Feb 7th to 9th. It has been moved from Aintree Racecourse this time round and I might try it out as I loved it at Aintree. We might get to meet up with quite a few Northern WOYWWers

    1. Hope to go - don't know which day yet - meeting up would be great! Les Mis was brilliant!

  11. Chris hope you enjoy the film. Love your flower....think your desk is bad you should see my room. Happy crafting, hugs Erika.

  12. You done a good job of clearing up but if your anything like I tidy up then 5 mins later back to normal! Hugs Pam x

  13. A super duper tidy up ! Well done you ! Hope you enjoyed the film !! Thanks for stopping by ! Ali #8

  14. Love the rose. The epic tidy up is impressive, I think my cleaner might like you better, as I can never be bothered...Cx #94

  15. That was one big tidy up. Bet you can't find anything now :-) Thanks for visiting me. Anne x

  16. Lovely flower. Hope you enjoyed the movie :)
    Tracy #60

  17. Your Flower is beautiful! And Les Mis made me sad for days!! What did you think?

  18. Wow, you have done an excellent job tidying up! Love your rose, it is beautiful. Hope you enjoyed the film, although how could you not with Hugh J in it.......Belated Happy WOYWW, Anne x #35

  19. Well colour me impressed, and Rita too I expect! That was a great job. The flower looks great...are you going to make a million more and turn it into some super mega wreath for Pinterest, or are you going to use them as graceful card embellies? Of course, you know what my answer would be!!

  20. Can I borrow your cleaner? :) I love your flower!! a late Happy WOYWW! Nan 113

  21. Gorgeous flower, and I love the before and after photos of your desk! Thanks for sharing. Happy 'Belated' WOYWW. Caro #63

  22. Very pretty flower. Love the before and after pics.

    Sorry I am 2 days late hopping to your desk. Been battling a nasty flu bug.
    Lori #84

  23. That flower is exquisite. Can you send Rita over to me, she sounds a gem. I hate ironing!
    Love the business of your desk.
    Hugs, Neet xx ps thanks for visiting me.

  24. Most impressed with the clearing up Chris! Oh, and when Neet has finished with her I could seriously do with Rita too:) Hugs, Jenny #29

  25. Love your flower - hope your enjoyed Les Mis - I am not sharing a desk as away from home looking after my friends cattery but enjoying having a good look around everyone else's desk
