Wednesday 9 January 2013


I've been tidying, not that you'd know from the state of my desk! It's been a bit of a dumping area so all around the little part I've dared to show there are piles of stuff still to go away. 
So what does a girl do when there's still loads to do - p-l-a-y!!
Mind you, that's about all it was, my mojo has definitely left the building and it was just case of messing around!
My desk is on show here of course, because along with other crafty folk around the world we get a chance to share a look at our workspaces, courtesy of Julia Dunnit of Stamping Ground
So here it is

To the back my Paris Stamps, still out because I still intend adding to my little journal that I started in Paris. Some loose atcs that I found mixed in with something else, and started me playing. On the mat my little wooden birdy stamp that I used to make one of the atcs you see, I will show this later but the photos I took earlier were all blurry and we are going out to see the Hobbit soon and no time to take more! The brown paper you see with shapes cut out are part of a Lakeland sandwich bag that I bought at the weekend- I think they are going to make lovely flowers - when I get around to it! Underneath that is my diary book that I started to make waaaaay back in October - it now has a cover(almost anyway!)most of the pages are made, and some even have planned events added!
So that's about it - I will visit later -if my eyes focus - we are going to see the film in 3D and it always take me some time to get back to reality!
Oh! and if anyone finds my mojo please, please direct him back here! Chris


  1. Good luck with the 3D film...the last one I went to I ended up with a migraine! :-(
    Have fun with the crafting and here's hoping Mojo returns to play soon.
    A x #41
    ps don't forget to check out the bargains in the Jan sale over in our blog shop...

  2. Oh, lucky you seeing The Hobbit in 3D am sure you had a fab time. Looking forward to seeing more of your Paris journal.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  3. Looks like you will be busy!! x Jo

  4. Hope you enjoy the film - I understand it is very long... not really my thing these days. Look forward to seeing the journal. Helen 7

  5. Mr Mojo probably just wanted a few extra days off after the festivities. You are playing now and that is the right way to get him back and working again. Hope the film was good. Happy WOYWW, Anne #47

  6. Hope you enjoy the film I watched it in what my grandkids call pauper vision and it was fantastic. I think your Mojo might have met up with mine and they have eloped! I am going to submit my photo on WOYWW later no matter how dark it is- that is one of my crafting resolutions!
    x Carol

  7. well you've cleared enough space to work in and that is all that matters. I always find ATCs are a good way back in when I have lost my way for a bit. I hope you enjoy the film. I'd like to see it but I don't think I could cope with the 3D for that long. Kate x #57

  8. Having a play may help your mojo sometimes works for me. I hope you enjoy the film...I am waiting for hubby to be well enough to go with me...I hope it is soon. Thanks for sharing. Caro #46

  9. Continue playing - you will find your mojo!!

    I am new to WOYWW and friends with Sandee. Hope you have a chance to check out my blog and desk.
    Lori #81

  10. Hope you enjoyed the film! With any luck something in it will spark your creativity, you never know! Happy WOYWW xxx Keren

  11. give yourself credit as it is really good considering you've done so much! Enjoy the film. A group of us went to Manchester Printwork to see Alice in Wonderland and when the Queen hit the rolled up hedgehog with her croquet mallet the whole row of us did a united DUCK!! 3D is amazing!
    Jo x

  12. Hi
    This is my first time at WOYWW and I hope you don't mind me looking around your blog while I am here.

  13. You're going to be busy! I like the fact that you are recycling the brown paper bags stuff. Please show us the flowers next week, it will be interesting to see how they turn out :)
    Hugs, LLJ 38 xxx

  14. Sounds like there's plenty on your plate... lots of ongoing projects, like me! Look forward to seeing the sandwich bag flowers, since one of my favourite things is to make butterflies out of bread wrappers! Happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  15. sorry i haven't found your mojo. i've felt the same since the holidays were over. good luck, you'll find it.

  16. Hope you enjoyed The Hobbit and then had time to come back and play! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  17. Hope you enjoyed the movie....your crafty space will be waiting ;)

    Happy WOYWW! Apryl #9

  18. Playing is the whole point of crafting and is the root of getting the mono working. Thank you for your visit and I know exactly what you mean about becoming a dumping ground. It is the Borrowers in reverse. Have fun. xx Maggie #32

  19. When my mojo goes walkies I tend to get inspired by fellow bloggers and our fellow WOYWWers tend to take us in unexpected directions - hope your visits got you thinking. Your desk is definitely poised for action. I don't recognise the Paris stamps but they look great - who makes them? Thanks for dropping by, hugs Jenny #35

  20. I'll be watching for your Paris journal with interest - I went there last spring and have a pile of photos still eaiting to be scrapped! Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy Weednesday. :o)
    Sue x

  21. Ohh! Love Paris!! Have fun!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #60

  22. Oh Chris I wish my desk was as tidy as yours. Have a super crafty week and sorry for the late visit. Hugs Erika. 97

  23. Everyone seems to have been tidying this week. Must be a New Year thing. You look as though you have plenty going on though.
    Hope you enjoyed the film. I'm never sure about 3d, they always make me feel a bit queasy!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #59

  24. Hi there did you enjoy the film? I want to have a play with my craft but this week have had lots of things I had to do- enjoyed in most part. Thanks for visiting sorry I'm late. Anne x

  25. HOpe you enjoyed the film - I fell asleep in the middle oops! We did go on a Friday towards the end of term though, and I was poorly the next few days so ..... Love the stitchy, felty, beady image on your new blog header! Must catch up soon, xx

  26. It is good to stay busy. I like your tin of Paris stamps, I have the equivalent tin for Venice, not that I have been there, only in my dreams.

    Play is good!!!!!!!

  27. I never really get to clean, I keep finding such cool stuff when I try. LOL
    Happy very belated WOYWW! Hope you enjoyed the movie.
    Tertia 17

  28. I think your desk looks great. You commented on my desk being tidy, but that is rare. Normally I'd be over the moon if it was as tidy as yours. Hope the 3D movie wasn't too bad. Me, I can't see 3D, so I save my money and go old school. I hope you'll show us how to make the flowers, as well as what they look like.

    Have a good one,

  29. Maybe your mojo and my mojo ran off together. I have lots of ideas, but none of them seem to be coming together on paper the way I picture them in my mind. I hope you enjoyed the Hobbit and your vision is back to normal. :-)
    April #136

  30. My Mr. Mojo has made an escape too but I will lure him back eventually! Love your desk - really envy that Darkroom door Paris stamp set!
    Have a lovely week - sorry I am so late - there are only so many hours in the day and I am not retired yet sooo...:-)
    Lots of hugs,

  31. what a wonderful peek at your desk! alot of craftiness going on.. can't wait to see what you make..

    Michele #127
