Monday 19 September 2011

Glorious Mud!

I hope this makes you smile! Yesterday we set off with some family members to walk up Rivington Pike,near Bolton, weather was fine if a little windy! Halfway up and I was getting just a little weary and saw this which cheered me up - no fairies though!
I also seemed to get a "second wind" and we seemed to reach the top fairly quickly to see this view
A few clouds blowing over but you can see for miles!
We got the kite out and my grandchildren(and grown men)had great fun flying it..... and waiting for it to fall!!

We could see the signs coming........

as we started the walk down, but of course the ground was slippery and we couldn't rush too much so we got caught in a short but sharp shower. Someone decided that we should take a different route back - yours truly trooped along obediently until we came to very muddy path - which way to go? The bottom route was right above a steep slope so middle son and I(with me leading and being 'guided' by hubby who had already passed the problem)took the top route - very boggy and was just debating going back when whoooosh! gloop! slurp! my foot disappeared almost to my knee and I had to drag my leg out with much squelching and clawing at anything I could grab!!
Once out and with much laughter this is how my leg looked...

But as you can see I was still smiling!
My sons were laughing about what I would blog today so here it is lads!!
The next time I go up the pike will not be on a day following several rainy ones!!
Thanks for looking, Chris

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