Thursday 18 August 2011

More journal pages

Hi Folks,we are in the middle of a massive de-clutter so I was pleased that I had some backgrounds done and I was able to sit and play with ease.
This one was just because I found this picture in a magazine along with the lovely(banned)cup cake! Just added some words and a NoNo arrow from a Dyan downloadable sheet!
I also started this on my new squared paper journal - don't know where I am going with this!!
Okay on with the GRAND CLEARANCE!! We really are such hoarders- we've got five big bags of shredded paper and we've already filled the big recycled paper wheelie bin so will have to go to the tip with those and the three big bags of papers and magazines that won't go in!!!!
Still we are feeling more positive about this now and we are going to view somewhere tomorrow!
Back soon, Chris 


  1. It's a never ending job de cluttering!!
    Best of luck :)
    xoxo Sioux

  2. I do like the way the ink/paint has settled on the bird page. Very quirky. When you've done your de-clutter, I could do with a hand with mine please......
    Hugs Joanne xx

  3. It is so wonderful to keep journals...problem is keeping up with them. I am also de-cluttering, it can be so depressing to find yourself under mountains of nice things that you can't see because there are so many of them. I am off to a sale tomorrow and some thngs have still got the price labels on. It is very liberating, chucking out!!!
    Sue xxx

  4. Loving your journal pages too, theres so much inspiration out there and its such a lovely hobby, look forward to seeing you tomorrow xx
