Thursday 24 February 2011

What a week!!

I had every intention of posting pictures of the cards I made at Rachel Griegs workshop at Dawn Bibby's Design studio on Saturday but events sort of overtook me(more later!) so here they are now.
I just love Darkroom Door stamps and more of these Paris ones are definitely on my list of "must haves" as I only bought one set.
It was a great morning with the talented Rachel and some familiar faces.
The day was made even better by getting these from a lovely crafting friend, Sheila

Aren't they both just gorgeous, I really need to organise a system where I can display them, have seen one or two inspirational ideas so must set myself to this!!

On the way back we called into the Chocolate Cafe in Ramsbottom ..yummmmm!

We have been a bit busy sorting stuff out, so nothing much on Sunday or Monday(it's half term, so hubby off) Then Tuesday I had a lovely day out with Sarah and Nichola at the Cubby Hole, bought myself some goodies including Stampotique stamps that I was itching to play with!!.
It was then that it all went totally Pearshaped!!
When hubby came to pick me up he had a headache which turned to migraine - up in night retching, back to bed up at 7.00 retching, incoherent, passing out so that meant a trip in an ambulance to the local A & E where he was admitted to a ward. They let him come home at 3.00 but about half an hour after we got back he was on the loo ...nuff said... He is just beginning to feel like eating. The only explanation we have is that it was carbon monoxide poisoning .. he had had both fires on "burning off dust" for the gas man's visit today. We had a carbon monoxide alarm but it gave up before Christmas and because we knew the fires were being serviced this month we left it. Thing is, we hardly ever use the fires - once or twice in a year. Sorry for going on but I think this may serve useful for any of you with a similar situation.

Hope to be back tomorrow with more piccies(and a well hubby)
Thanks for looking, Chris.


  1. Hi Chris

    My what a 24 hours you had! Hope Hubby is much better tomorrow.
    Just been looking back over your Blog posts, you do have a fun time crafting and visiting lots of different places.
    You are one very talented Lady and it's been a pleasure to see some of your frankly very special work.
    Take care and hope to see you again sometime soon:-)

  2. Gosh Chris what a week! Hope your dear hubby is completely recovered now..what a scare for you both.
    Glad you had a lovely time crafting at the Studio with She. I would have loved to have joined you all :)
    Love your cards as special as ever.xx
