Friday 26 November 2010

Izzy Wizzy

Hi! My horoscope in the Sunday paper said it was going to be a busy week but didn't say how busy! I seem to have so much coming up-one week only sort of stuff and I know that next week will be back in the old routine so I mustn't complain!
Now to see if I can show you some piccies
Hmmm.......1 day later:( 
 OK soooo! this is the umpteenth attempt to put anything at all here and look at the size!!! If I change it everything goes fuzzy so here I have a dilemma - to leave or not to leave? OK, leave.
 On Tuesday night I was at a celebration event for Manchester in Bloom at Manchester Town Hall, in the great hall no less!! That building, which I think is one of the most beautiful in the north west, is even better inside. I didn't really need the loo but went just so that I could nosy and then was even more delighted when we had to leave by a different door from the one we came in at. I have decided that I must book in for a guided tour in the new year!!
 Jo(a brilliant oraganiser who gets us all motivated) and Everard.(and just look behind them!!)
  Wednesday night was a meal out at a carvery to celebrate my youngest's 28th, the whole family were there and guess what.... I forgot my camera! Managed to take a few on my phone but I hate doing that:( 
Blood test yesterday then drove to Warrington to pick my youngest grandson from school.
 Fortunately, in between all the to and froing I have managed to complete my atcs for Heather's Movers and shakers swap.
  Can you see the moving part?(clue on middle one) Distress inks,Crafty individuals images and stamp,charms that aren't quite angels and 'Lindsay ribbon'
My tryptich for Heather's Christmas swap
                 The front...Tim and Crafty Individuals stamps,holly stamp(loose in my Christmas box?)rock candy distress crackle paint, lace,tape
                 ...and the back.
I've also made a LOAD of Christmas cards!, but enough for today, shopping next and, as Scarlett said "Tomorrow is another day"!!
Thanks for looking,have a good weekend, Chrisx



  1. Everything is fabulous. What a busy time you have had too.
    Luv Joanne xx

  2. Super crafting Chris. Lovely to hear about your busy week. It did sound fun. :) Hope the blood tests go well. Wishing you a lovely weekend. Keep warm. Hugs, Gez.xx
