Sunday 24 March 2024

Standing Out In the Crowd!

 Hi everyone I have been having difficulty with getting my photos onto the computer since I came home from a trip to Durham.

We have now bought a new connection wire that has helped!

My page for Art Journal Journey and my 'On All Fours' theme uses part of an old tag.

The background is made from lots of scraps from my little box of scraps, which I doodled on once they were stuck onto my page.

I have often wondered whether I should colour my hair, but I don't think I would go as far as this little guy with his fabulous multi coloured hair do!

The page title came from a Radio Times cover.

It's been a funny old week but hopefully back to some normality now!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. I love that patchwork look. And I was just saying to my hubby today that I would love to go to Scotland and see one of those hairy oxen. They probably have a specific name that I don't know. Glad you got your internet fixed. Happy new week to you Chris. hugs-Erika

  2. I hope your internet is fixed now.
    I would love having multicolored hair but growing it out would look awful--lol!

  3. glad you got the photos downloaded ok this time. I think you'd suit stripy hair... great page.

  4. Fun page like a patchwork quilt. I've thought about having my hair dyed blue. Enjoy your day!

  5. It's a beautiful page. I like your description too.

  6. Expressive and interesting page, Chris.
    I hope your publishing problems are resolved;
    and wish you happy, sunny Easter time xx
