Sunday 29 October 2023

Gear Bird

Hi everyone! When I saw Neet's gear bird the other week I remembered that I also have this stamp so I set about making this page - it took me a while to complete it, but here it is - all ready to join in with Neet's 'In Gear' theme at Art Journal Journey 

I used a stencil and green ink alongside part of a stamp with gears on to make the background. I stamped the image and set about using watercolours to colour it. I added the words stamped onto a label.

UK clocks went back in the early hours of this morning so hubby and I are looking forward to watching a film once it goes dark early for the first time.

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Oh I like tha gear bird a la Chris. It's fun to see how you made yours compared to Neet's, and I really like it. Our clocks change next week, but it already seems to get dark early so it's going to be dark very early once the clocks do change. Hope it was a good film. hugs-Erika

  2. I have that tamp, too, and a lot of other steampuunk people and animals etc. But where?? Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  3. THe gear bird reminds me of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale about the mechanical bird given to the Emperor, who at the end of his life was comforted by a real nightingale.
    best, mae at

  4. Oh Chris, I love the way you coloured your bird. Much better than sticking to the rust colours I did. I can see me using it again shortly and this time using your colours.
    Who makes this stamp? Love the word stamp at the base too.
    You have made a gorgeous background for your little chap and I am looking at this stencil and thinking how much I want it, what are you doing to me? Great colouring and the addition of the other gears is lovely.
    Thanks so much for entering my theme again, and when you are not well it is appreciated more than ever.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. Sure a pretty color of blue.
    Coffee is on.

  6. Very funky page Chris - love the background!
    Pauline xx
