Tuesday 21 February 2023

T Stands for The Ferry

This week has gone so quickly, we've had a couple of lovely walks and The Big Tidy is coming along nicely...but there is sadness with the passing of an uncle.

I will start with joining up with T gang over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog 'The Altered Book Lover' for T Stands For Tuesday.

As you know we stayed a couple of nights in Nantes at a lovely B and B with a small enclosed garden. The Breakfast Room looked out over the garden.

Breakfast was traditionally French style with plenty of fresh coffee as well as juices.

There was a small area to sit and look at books about the area.      After breakfast we set off for Cherbourg - the weather wasn't so good to start with so just a few gloomy pics 

By the time we neared Cherbourg it brightened up a bit and we had hopes for a good crossing in the morning.

The Amorique is one of Brittany Ferries newest ferries and very different from those in the 80s and 90s - when my ex and I took our three boys on holidays.

Goodbye France

We went up on deck - it was so windy. we didn't stay long

We went to the restaurant for some lunch - fish and chips - not really memorable but warming!

More drinks too - a last Orangina for me and fizzy water for hubby.

We settled down for a while, with another drink, until we had to start packing our bags when we spotted the English coastline.
My travel journal and my travel kit are still on the table.
Hello England!
Not the White Cliffs of Dover but the cliffs of the Isle Of Wight.

We arrived back in England to a new monarchy - King Charles will be crowned in May this year.

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. I think your last photo is my favorite. I love the boats docked as you look through the porthole. That b & b was beautiful! I really like the view out the window.
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. I like these views through the ferry windows. Was it sad to be on the way home? I always find the end of a trip us always a little sad and a little happy too. But it's fun to go so that sadness is not really an issue. And your fish and chips look delicious. Even if it wasn't the best fish and chips. I hope you had a super T day Chris. Hugs-Erika

  3. The breakfast room looked like a lovely spot. I loved the ferry ride, almost like a cruise ship. I don't think I've seen one so fancy. Thanks for the geography because I thought the only white cliffs in England were in Dover. Happy T Day

  4. What a lovely trip and photos. And I suspect that you were lucky to have a smooth crossing of the Channel. My only ferry-boat crossing of the Channel was at night. I’ve also flown and taken the tunnel/train. But the ferry must be the most fun.

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  5. Another adventure!
    Sorry about your uncle.

  6. Oh what a lovely B n B. Great photos of your drive too. The ferry ride brings back memories for me. I'm sorry about your Uncle. Thanks for sharing your trips.

  7. The sky did look wicked. Nice ferry ride though for you and hubby. It will be quite a celebration I imagine in May. Happy T Day.

  8. Thank you! Really feels like I've been somewhere

  9. How sad to lose your uncle. My sincere sympathy.

    That breakfast room and breakfast look yummy. Now I'm hungry. Mostly for juice and a croissant.

    Wow. I'm surprised you didn't take the tunnel. I guess it was an area where the tunnel didn't run. Do you think T will ever get used to driving on the wrong side of the road again (grin)?

    That's an amazing ferry. Just lovely with beautiful appointments. And I was in awe of your photos out the porthole. Thanks for sharing your ferry ride and your breakfast with us for T this Tuesday, dear Chris.

  10. What a pretty view for your breakfast before you left France! There were some impressive clouds on the way to the ferry. I am already looking forward to your next trip! Helen x

  11. Loved your B&B and Breakfast too and I have never seen or been a ferry but this looked like a fancy ferry to me with a restaurant too. I enjoyed all of the photos Happy T hugs Kathy
