Wednesday 10 August 2022

WOYWW - 688

HI everyone, I've been a bit bogged down with all kinds of things lately...and of course I've been away...twice! 

There, that's the excuses out of the way.....I'm here to join lots of other nice folk who show their desks on Wednesdays guided by lovely Julia of Stamping Ground blog.

Mine just happens to be quite tidy at the moment - desk tidying is a quiet activity in the middle of the night when you can't sleep!

I confess to keeping focused on the middle of my desk as I made little piles all around for when I actually get around to putting things  away!

All that's here is a journal that I am using to make a page for Art Journal Journey, where I am hosting this month. I haven't decided on the image I am going to use yet!

Looking at this I'm not so sure whether the size is right for any of them!

I don't suppose I am the only one busy doing not much in this new heat wave. 

Sorry if you have to work in these temperatures. At least it's slightly cooler than the last one! 

Take care!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Your desk is so tidy and your journal page looks like it will be fantastic. The heatwave we've been having is finally breaking. I hope the coolness finds it way across the Pond to you.

  2. It’s nice to do something when you can’t sleep - the trouble I tend to carry on and before I know it the birds start singing 🤣🤣
    Happy WOYWW. Angela #6

  3. Nice to see you Chris! As a good and heavy sleeper myself, I feel for you, having to get up in the night because you can’t get to sleep must be awful. What I DO like however, is your method of tidying…mine is the same. Separate stuff from the middle into little piles, and if it can’t be filed elsewhere on the desk, sit it in group piles until the mood or need to actually put away strikes!

  4. Good to see you this week! You're right about working in the heat... at least the last heatwave I had covid so was isolating at home! Have a good week and happy WOYWW Helen #3

  5. Hi Chris, great to see you. I always have stuff on my desk waiting to be put away. I will be pleased when the temperature cools down, not a lover of it. The journal page looks interesting. I understand those late nights, had a few myself. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x9x

  6. Hi Chris! Being busy is good, no need for apologies! Yes I’m a middle of the night tidy upper too as well as a ‘let’s keep filling up the sides till there’s only 6” left crafter. The only time I managed to be disciplined was doing shop demos. Hope you get inspired and the hosting goes well. Happy WOYWW, love n hugs Cindy xx #5

  7. Good to see you Chris. I really like the background you are creating for your journal page. Hope you manage to finish in the current heat. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW> Sarah #12.

  8. Oh yes, sleeping is intermittent for me too, especially in this heat. i read my Kindle instead of getting up, it usually does the trick of making me sleepy again. Hope the journal challenge goes well!
    Hugs LLJ 7 XXX

  9. I cannot wait to see your art journal page, It looks like it is going to be aazing. I love your tidy desk, too. Mine is pretty good right now, but you should see it after I have worked on a project! LOL! And I want to thank you SO MUCH for stopping by my blog and leaving such wonderful comments. I cannot thank you enough. HUGS!!!

  10. Hi Chris, it’s great to see you, I remember us meeting at Llandudno in 2018, Sept wow four years ago.
    Mm, decisions are hard. I don’t journal so I’ll be no help but your desk is very tidy mine is not!
    Thanks for popping over and for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  11. Hi Chris your desk is so tidy. My table is dreadful. I have hated the heat. Anne x 14
