Friday 26 August 2022

Sweets for my sweet!

Hi everyone, I have a new page for my 'When We were Young' theme at Art Journal Journey.

Do you remember sweets in jars? I remember one particular shop that was on my way to school if I called on a friend, and I used to save my homeward bus journey money by walking home in the afternoon and then spend it there the next morning!

There are now shops around selling old fashioned sweets from jars - but far more expensive than they were when I was young!

These two toddlers are having their first lesson in choosing - they can only have one small bag of sweets - no pick and mix in their day! Actually I don't think there would have been cola bottles in their day either!!

I see my favourites - they're called Fizz Whizz Lollies here but I knew them as Sherbet Lollies and I would try to make them last as long as I could! 

Here is the calendar picture I got my inspirations from.

I used some gelli printed paper as Lino floor covering and the sweet jars are from some wrapping paper.


The other week during the heat wave I made some coffee granita.

I had seen on TV where a chef put some in a brioche bun and added whipped cream - it is delicious

Coffee granita is made with an espresso coffee, sugar to taste and a little added water - put in a shallow dish and remember to break it up every hour with a fork for 4 to 5 hours. 
It's very refreshing on its own in a small dish too.

Thanks for looking, Chris



  1. We used to call that jar candy penny candy, but now there is nothing left for a penny, just as you mentioned. You were lucky to pass a shop on your way to school as a kid. I rode the bus and had to wait to go out with my Mom before I could get any. But boy that was a fun moment.This is such a great page idea. And your bun looks delicious. I haven't heard of coffee grantia. It sounds refreshing and obviously works great in your bun. Have a wonderful weekend Chr9s. hugs-Erika

  2. The coffee granita sounds and looks delicious!

  3. Lovely page, I remember buying sweets like that, you got a tiny bag for a penny, that was always fun, but so hard to choose from the many varieties! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  4. I don't ever remember penny candy or candy in jars, but I remember the cola type candy. It was wax coated and you sucked on it till the wax was melted enough to get to the liquid inside. Amazing how that memory came back once I read your post. Thanks for another inspiring entry using your theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

    Your coffee granita looks wonderful and really decadent, too.

  5. We called it penny candy. My favorites were Atomic Fireballs, Mary Janes, Squirrels, wax lips. Your page brings back delicious memories

  6. Oh yes! I do remember the days of going to the candy store and picking out that "penny candy" from the jars!! Really love your scene on your AJ page! Brilliant inspiration!

  7. I swore I would never say it but, "Back in the good ol' days" we loved the penny candy in the jars. You could see what you were getting and they were always colorful and enticing. Yes, they were only pennies, but then everything including incomes were different in those days. Today you have to spend more than pennies, but then your income is much higher now. It is inflated, but not as badly as everyone wants to think. That said, today's inflation is an exception caused by the shortages during the Covid pandemic ... hopefully that will resolve in time. So on to the Coffee Granita ... oh yum. So you put it in a flat dish and just let it set out? or do you have to refrigerate it? This sounds too good to not get it right ... on my list of things to try for sure :) Enjoyed this post ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  8. HI Chris, sorry I haven't called in for a while, but I did enjoy the catching up. Old sweet shops are a childhood memory for me as well, It was a treat to visit them and it took so long to choose which jar to ask for at the counter.
    Have a good week.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Ah, that old-fashioned candy counter! It was always hard to choose just one :)

  10. Plenty of sweets here today. The art is so full of good memories. We had the best candy shop right in our neighborhood. A penny could get you more than a handful of candy. Ohhh the granita looks amazing. Have a great day today.
