Wednesday 31 August 2022


Hi everyone, this will be my final post for my 'When We Were Young'  theme at Art Journal Journey blog.

I have really enjoyed reminiscing over some of the pages. 

Thank you all for taking time to make pages when it was hot or you had holidays booked - it really was appreciated. There were some wonderful pages to inspire everyone, which I think is what Art Journal Journey is all about.

When I was little we lived on a nursery, I'm sure some of you already know that. My brother and I were lucky as after everyone had gone home we had a huge empty road to ride our bikes up and down or play ball games. There was also the temptation to play in parts that we couldn't go in when tractors etc were being driven around.

Piles of soil and sand, stacks of sleepers, pots and crates all made play areas, which used to get us into trouble.

My Dad had responsibility for the property when work finished so if we went off to play in these areas he would get quite cross with us. My brother and I still continued to go back to these places though!

This very old stamp reminded me of those times. I made a background of paint stencilled over with a flower stencil. The image was stamped onto the inside of an envelope. I added extra flowers with the little stamps I bought at a museum in Paris. The quote is from a Lindsay Mason set. 

I'm looking forward now to our new AJJ host's theme - I think you're going to love it!

Thanks for looking, Chris   

Monday 29 August 2022

T Stands for.... taking walks

Hi everyone, the weather is still sunny and bright here, we had some rain but now we have blues skies again and it's a pleasant heat.

An ideal day for a family outing! We had one the other week but I was so excited to see (almost)everyone, that I forgot to take any photos other than passing shots, mainly from behind). We had a picnic and a walk around Dunham Massey

I spotted this page in a membership magazine and it made me think of  the family outings we must have had over the years. 

The background was made with lots of different bright colours using a stencil, a tree stamp from a magazine and some stickers and words from a magazine.

I am coming to the end of my time as host at Art Journal Journey but I still have a couple more pages to link to my 'When We Were Young' theme.

I've been enjoying seeing your pages, so many clever ideas - Thank you!

We haven't spent much time outdoors recently - we took a short walk in Styal last week on our way shopping.

Hubby took this photograph of a Red Admiral enjoying some rotting apple....

...and I spotted this one ready to fall.

These pink Sweet Peas have the most wonderful scent

We also went to the Pride Parade in Manchester  - it has been cancelled for the past two years so there was a massive turn out to welcome it back - we arrived just after it had started and went to get some food not long before it ended  - but we were standing watching for two hours!

For my drink related post for Bleubeard and Elizabeth's 'T Stands For Tuesday' I have a photo of hubby showing our water on the table
I have recently had my medication changed, before the dose was doubled hubby treated us to Fish and Chips at Notcutts Garden Centre. We hadn't been there for ages and  we really enjoyed our outing!

I'm now taking less medication but different!

I see from Elizabeth's post that my napkins still haven't arrived - I have never known anything take so long to travel to her home! I am now getting a little worried that something has happened to them. I used stamps, which the post office seem reluctant to provide so I am wondering if that has anything to do with it???

All I can do is apologise for the delay!

Thanks for looking

Friday 26 August 2022

Sweets for my sweet!

Hi everyone, I have a new page for my 'When We were Young' theme at Art Journal Journey.

Do you remember sweets in jars? I remember one particular shop that was on my way to school if I called on a friend, and I used to save my homeward bus journey money by walking home in the afternoon and then spend it there the next morning!

There are now shops around selling old fashioned sweets from jars - but far more expensive than they were when I was young!

These two toddlers are having their first lesson in choosing - they can only have one small bag of sweets - no pick and mix in their day! Actually I don't think there would have been cola bottles in their day either!!

I see my favourites - they're called Fizz Whizz Lollies here but I knew them as Sherbet Lollies and I would try to make them last as long as I could! 

Here is the calendar picture I got my inspirations from.

I used some gelli printed paper as Lino floor covering and the sweet jars are from some wrapping paper.


The other week during the heat wave I made some coffee granita.

I had seen on TV where a chef put some in a brioche bun and added whipped cream - it is delicious

Coffee granita is made with an espresso coffee, sugar to taste and a little added water - put in a shallow dish and remember to break it up every hour with a fork for 4 to 5 hours. 
It's very refreshing on its own in a small dish too.

Thanks for looking, Chris


Tuesday 23 August 2022

T Stands For....taking it easy!

 Hi everyone, it's surprising how quickly the weeks are passing. 

The weather stopped us going to any parks last week so I will take you back to a walk we had in the Parsonage Gardens in July!

As you can see there are lots of benches in this garden but on the day we went not many people around so we could take our pick!!

My ticket for T stands for Tuesday with Bleubeard and Elizabeth is from just a couple of weeks ago when we went to feed my GD's tortoise.

We called to Chiquita's, which as you might guess is Mexican style food.
Hubby had Fajitas with pulled pork and I had 3 small Tacos also with pulled pork. Our drinks were Cola for hubby and Tonic water for me.

We have a packed week this week - car for service, lunch with friends, hair cuts, and I have a play date with a friend as well as our usual shopping trips and chores...but we are hoping to fit a garden walk in too.

Thanks for looking, Chris