Tuesday 30 June 2020

T stands for The Magic Garden

Hi everyone!Well, June whizzed by fast...or was that just for me!
I have one final page for Halle's 'A Stitch In Time' theme at Art Journal Journey. I wish I had time to make more!!!

The little scrap of blue fabric has been on my desk since the start of the challenge.
It is from an old shirt that had several of these little embroidered squares on it - the rest have got onto fabric makes.
 It's just a junk journal page using up more of my scraps, most of which were hanging around my desk area! I've been throwing on little bits I might use during my clean up!!

I need to give  warning here - I took a lot of photos! We went to visit another National Trust property, Biddulph Grange, last week. A little farther away from home, and we haven't visited this place since the grandchildren were a lot younger,they used to love it here.
We were confident that the NT had a one way system established and were informed that the only toilets were at the entrance!
Th lovely cafe was closed - no surprise there.
 First are the Italian gardens

 The calm lake  - full of fish!

No frogs on these thank goodness!
Next was the Oriental garden

I love this part of the gardens....

.....leading to ...

This is part of the Dahlia walks - best in August
One lone Dahlia in bloom

Lots of areas that couldn't be in a one way system

 We could not go ahead here, but could take a shorter walk from here by turning right...or..
...a longer walk
We decided to take the long walk around the woodland area
Some wild beauty - I don't know which I like most - blackberries or the flowers...definitely not the thorns though - bad memories!!!
Some of he children's activities were closed off as they need handling, but the stepping stones were easily accessed !

I just could't resist!!
A Giant urn looking down the hill!
This is what you saw earlier -now on the one way system!

I had forgotten about this surprise as we headed back - hidden in one of the little tunnels  under the rocks!
This area is most impressive too

Private land...

...and another roped off area
We headed back to the car park....to join Bleubeard and Elizabeth for T Stands for Tuesday

We took a flask of coffee and our mugs from  home this time.

We have been out somewhere else today - but I'm not going to spoil next weeks post...it's somewhere you will recognise I'm sure...

Thanks for looking and Happy T Day! Chris


  1. Super photos from your walk around the NT property Chris, its good that they are opening again and making sure folk who visit are safe.
    I like the pretty mug you used for your drink when you got back to the car.
    Its a fantastic journal page you created with the fabric pieces for Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  2. Love your last page for Halle's challenge Chris. Thanks for sharing that. The splashes of pink are super. And you took another wonderful walk. Wow, you have great places to visit. This is such a beautiful place. I can see why you took so many photos. Thanks for sharing those also. Hope it was a happy T day. hugs-Erika

  3. what a fabulous day you had - hopefully next time the cafe will be open again - but the photos are just great. I managed Kew on Saturday!! Take care, stay safe.

  4. Your artwork is lovely. And what a beautiful place to get to walk around in. There is so much to see there. I'm okay with frogs on lily pads. Thank you for sharing your photos. Happy belated T-Day!


  5. Sorry I'm late visiting, Chris. I am still learning my limit, since my "good eye" is also the one that is under the patch and my "less good eye" tires easily. I hope you understand why I'm late visiting.

    Your final entry for Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey is wonderful. I like that you added that pretty embroidered fabric and your junk journal pages looks brilliant. I love it and am so happy you shared it with us for AJJ.

    What a beautiful place to visit. The grounds of that place are beautiful. Some look like they needed tender love and care, but I enjoyed the wild look, too.

    I have blackberries, too, but mine don't have thorns on them. The flowers are all gone now and I have fruit coming on.

    I LOVED seeing you on the stepping stones. You look like you have lost a lot of weight, too. You look REALLY good and healthy, too.

    I enjoyed seeing the Japanese Garden with the bridge. Very iconic. And the surprise in the tunnel was great, too.

    T looks really happy in the car. Glad you two took your own coffee and mugs. Love that cobalt blue, too. Thanks for taking us with you on this walk around Biddulph Grange, your lovely art piece, and your coffee with us for T on Tuesday.

  6. Such a pretty page. I'm really drawn to the embroidered square. I enjoyed your outing so calm and peaceful at every turn. You looked like you were having fun on the stepping stones. Take care and Happy T Day

  7. Your art is wonderful. I am always amazed at how these pages come together. Now for the photos.....WOW! Thank you for taking us on this journey. A simply stunning place.

  8. How absolutely lovely!! One way trails and roped off areas was a good solution to distancing. Beautiful!! :)

  9. beautiful art page Chris- love all the details! And oh my what a glorious walk about you had-the buildings are gorgeous, and you are looking wonderful too. Thanks for sharing and belated happy T day!

  10. What a wonderful time you had exploring the gardens, I'm loving the happy smiley photo of you! It was fun voting and looking around with you too and your page is gorgeous with its pretty layers and colours - beautiful 😀. Sending happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  11. A lovely tour of Biddulph Grange Chris, great photos!
    I love your collage page too, with that pretty blue scrap.
    Alison xx
