Monday 2 December 2019

My days are numbered!!!

Hi everyone -I'm OK , honestly...although I have had to have a big change in my medication from today onward - I'm not a happy girl at all! 

This is about my new Calendar Journal page, a little late I know..there's a lot going on around here!

I'm hoping it is suitable as a start of some entries I have in mind for Art Journal Journey where Yvonne is not only hosting this month but has taken on the co - administration of Art Journal Journey along with Bleubeard and Elizabeth
Thanks to Susi for all the fun we've had so far and welcome Yvonne, I'm sure there's more fun to come!

Yvonne has chose the theme Words and Numbers leading up to New Year and 2020

Here is my page, sprayed with gold and green than brayered and decorated with letters and numbers in Red and Black

Here is last month's all filled in!

While I'm here I will also add a Second on the 2nd post, where I am joining in at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's look at something previously shown on my blog

This is from 7th December 2012
            Oooh! I know, I'm very, very late but I have an excuse - I was in Paris until Tuesday night and I hadn't even thought about my calendar journal(you know - the one that the fabulous Kate Crane hosts on her blog - here)So here is my December page - no apologies for my choice this month....
....the lights in Paris are simply amazing and every time I make an entry I will see the pictures that remind me of our lovely break - I just used a selection of gold and black inks, paint etc to make the background with a fantastic Dylusions mask and a stamp I've had for ages!
My finished November pages are not as I intended but I never found the time to add anything else!

This was also the month that we bought our caravan, the one we are leaving soon for good! So this is a 2fer for Second look on the 2nd!

This is the post from the 22nd of December
Oh! we've been so good that we thought we'd be naughty - it's taken a lot of organising but this week we moved into our new caravan! Now I know a lot of you will think we are completely and utterly mad - who else would inflict two moves on themselves in one year - but we've de-cluttered(well quite a lot) and now we can settle!
 We won't be losing our lovely views....

which even in rain and floods is fascinating....
 or the gorgeous sunsets...

...because all we've done is upgraded our caravan - it was quite old as we bought it secondhand and then we found that VAT goes up next year so why give the tax man the money? As it happens the site is now open all year too so we look forward to going up more often! 


Thanks for looking, I'll be back tor TSFT in the morning!


  1. A fabulous calendar spread and a wonderful take on the new theme at Art Journal Journey Chris. Thank you for joining us and for the kind words of welcome in your post.
    I hope all will go well changing your medication and that you are okay. One day at a time is my mantra these days.
    Take care of yourself
    Yvonne xx

  2. Medication changes are stressful, I know. I hope this change helps your health as they expect. Your November calendar page shows how much you have going on. Wow! I feel absolutely lazy ;)

  3. Sorry to read you need to change meds. You were doing SO good, too.

    Your calendar is gorgeous. I love how you created the pages to fit the current challenges at AJJ. What a true friend to AJJ you are. Thanks for sharing this with us using Yvonne's theme. Your calendar pages are colorful and functional, too. Great job.

    I have no idea if I "knew" you back in 2012, but if you linked at Kate's, I know I would have visited and ohhed and ahhed over your beautiful photos from Paris along with the winter background you chose,

    It's going to be sad when you give up the caravan. I know you and T took a year to get used to no more of those fabulous views, but it will still be hard to give it up. Thanks for BOTH looks back at life in 2012, and the wonderful things you shared with us as your second look on the 2nd.

  4. Hope the meds get straightened out soon-at least with your body and your diabetes. Loving the new and old calendars. And also those green shots for Dec. 22. Since we had a nice little snow today, with more to come from the sounds of it. Happy December 2-although if you check this it will most likely be the third when you do. Hugs-Erika

  5. Hope all goes well for you with the change of meds Chris. A fabulous calendar spread!!!

  6. hope you adjust well to the new meds and it's not too inconvenient for you. great latest calendar page.
