Saturday 31 August 2019

I think I'll take you back to Toulouse!

Wow! What a week! Since Monday I have been into town with hubby to see a film (Angel Has Fallen - which could have been reduced by at least half an hour...that said we did enjoy it!!), prepared for and had some fun with my Messy Day Ladies, been on a canal day trip with my family, much fun had there I can tell you, and now we are tucked up in our caravan planning to rest, read and in my case have some crafty time. If the weather is OK we will probably head into Morecambe at some time for Vintage By The Sea. 

The only crafting done was my TIOT piece that you will hopefully get to see next Tuesday!

So...I will take you back to Toulouse.

It really is a city of contrasts....
...from grand buildings... beautiful churches.

I loved these narrow streets..
..and I also loved that so many of the buildings had fabulous sculptured doorways and windows.
We walked past this clock every time we went into the city...and there were balconies to be seen everywhere! 

The Post Neuf Bridge over the Garronne river was a must...
..especially to see this..known as the hidden Devil (but is a boy with donkey ears!!)..but we spotted it straight away!
From very modern to crumbling...I'm sure by now you know my preference!

I hope that it won't be so long until my next post!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. I love the architecture - I noticed in Paris the decorations over doorways and windows. Fabulous photos. Hope you enjoy a "rest" at the caravan!!

  2. Having computer problems, so I'm trying to catch up and I'm so pleased I came in for this post. Lovely pictures, thanks for sharing.
    Avril xx

  3. The architecture struck me as so beautiful and different. The balconies reminded me of New Orleans, Louisiana. The decay is in every city, some more than others.

    I LOVE these photos, Chris. They are really beautiful, even the ones showing decay.

  4. Fantastic architecture. Thank you for sharing your photos.

  5. Nice reminder of Toulouse. Shame you had the problems with the apartment though! xoxo Sioux

  6. IT sounds a good way to end a busy week, relaxing at the caravan with your craft stash.
    The photos of Toulouse are great , wonderful buildings.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I haven't seen Olympus Has Fallen yet, but then I'll probably watch Angel Has Fallen, too.

    Love all the balconies. Such architecture there! Crumbly or modern--LOL! :)

  8. The architecture is interesting, and I love the modern/old contrast.

    I think newer films could _all_ do with a bit of helpful shortening ;)

  9. Thanks for taking us back to Toulouse Chris. I am enjoying the trip! Sounds like a busy but fun fun week. Hugs-Erika

  10. Glorious architecture - I especially love the narrow street and that final wood-beamed house - magnificent. I'm glad I came hunting for the bits of Toulouse I'd missed!
    Alison x
