Wednesday 2 January 2019

A geometric, a second look on the 2nd and WOYWW 500!!

I was up early this morning, while I don't 'do' New Year Resolutions, I am determined to start my days in a more organised way!
My craft room is suffering from post Christmas fatigue and I also swear that the scraps have been secretly multiplying!!!
Fortunately there are two challenges at the moment that may ease my scrap problem.

Tiffany Goff Smith of Southern Gals Youtube and Instagram has a challenge at the moment 'Use it up - fill it up 2' and for this I have added more pages to my ring bound junk journal!
This morning, following the 15 minute suggested time, I rooted through my scraps and made this.
The stencilled shapes are also using a scrap which I ran through a TH die and am going to use it until it disintegrates!

 While making it I also had another challenge in mind - Alison's 'Geometric Shapes' at Art Journal Journey - I haven't counted how many different geometric shapes there are here but there are quite a few!
Now for a re-run as I and joining Bluebeard and Elizabeth for 'Second look on the 2nd'
Below is a Whats On Your Workdesk Wednesday(WOYWW) post from 2nd January 2013
Well, not actually my desk but the dining table at the caravan - what? Away again? Yep! We've been having a great New Year with my son and two of my lovely grandchildren. I hope that your New Year is starting as well as mine and I wish you all a very Happy New Year! Now two have gone home and my grandson is staying on with us for a couple more days.
So this is what's going on, of course without Julia and her nosy curious followers there wouldn't be an occasion like this to travel the world's work desks! Want to see more? Follow the links from here.
 I'm trying to get my calendar journal ready(hopefully to post later today - it now being the 2nd of the month!)Ive also been making a few journal pages, although mainly balanced on my lap.
Yesterday this very same table was used to make Thank You cards with my grand daughter - whoops - no photos!
Today though the main thing that's showing isn't mine, the green page at the bottom of the post is my grandson's.
Here it is in full

Very clever don't you think, he's very modest but this came from what he said was a sort of mistake so he started to doodle around it! He's got quite a few of his friends impressed and starting their own as well as his little sister! He's now started one in a different colour - not bad for a ten year old eh!

Finally a photo of my view from our new caravan, its the same view as I've shown you before but now I can sit and look at it as the kitchen sink is over the other side now!
As I have already shown you my junk journal you know what is on my desk today and I am joining the WOYWWers, especially lovely Julia at 'The Stamping Ground' blog who has hosted this weekly event for 500 weeks, to wish them all a very Happy New Year! 
Thank you Julia for this weekly link up which I miss so many of, but am still welcomed back with your open arms each time! 

Thanks for looking, Chris 


  1. Happy New Year Chris! So glad you and the family had such a lovely festive season. Nice view from your new caravan, I wouldn't mind washing up with hills like that to looks at!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  2. Happy New Year Chris. Your grandson is certainly a talented doodler. Happy 500th WOYWW. Sarah #12

  3. Hi Chris, great job by your Grandson. So fab to see young men of any age into crafting. Love the journal, I've bookmarked the link as finally trying out some art journaling is one thing I am determined to get round to this year! Happy New Year, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  4. Afternoon Chris. I wish you a very happy and blessed new year. Wow! One clever grandson - that page is amazing. Glorious view from your caravan. Makes me think of the year ahead when I hope to do much more caravanning myself - towing our 36year old Monza. I'm hoping to travel round and see many places I have never been to before.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  5. I love what you do with your scraps - this page is master-use-of-scraps for me! Great - and it fit's Alison's theme - that's super! Thank you for adding to the collection of Geometric Shapes!
    Happy Second on the 2nd! Wow - Your grandson is talented!

    Happy WOYWW 500! to you and all the ladies there!

    Big hugs from

  6. A very cool page using just scraps! Happy New Year, Chris! zsuzsa #19

  7. Hello Chris

    Happy New Year and Happy 500th WOYWW - such an achievement on Julia's part.
    Your grandson is very talented. You have been busy as well. Love the view you have from the caravan. I have brushos out on the table - no further than that. I have been trying to get back into crafting mode today.
    Thank you for the visit on Boxing Day - I had intended visiting everyone but once family arrived that was it. I've not done a lot since - until today. Anne x #18

  8. You just can't beat a room with a view, and I can imagine what a joy it is to sit there :) Setting an example and encouraging the future generations has paid off! What a beautiful piece your grandson created :)

  9. What a gorgeous view. I was tempted by the journal challenge too, but am still sorting my crafting supplies out... love what you have done in 15 minutes. Very inspiring. Wishing you a Happy and Creative New Year. Thanks for Sharing. God Bless, Caro x (#20)

  10. I love your junk journal-clever idea with the ring binder I love that! sounded like a fun challenge too finding the elements for the page.
    what an awesome view from your caravan-very nice
    Hugs to you Kathy

  11. Happy New Year (again!) Chris... love your grandson's page - he has the family artistic streak for sure. Hope you have lots more trips planned for this year, I could do with a good holiday (been back at work a whole day!!) Love,, Helen #2

  12. I adore your geometric collage Chris! It's fabulous! Thanks for joining in my challenge at AJJ!
    Alison xox

  13. Your collage is great and just in time for the challenge. I like the green/black page your grandson created. It is great to get them started on hand made things while they are young

  14. Happy 500 and Happy New Year!
    I know what you mean by scraps multiplying.. I have loads in a box that need using up!

    Loving your mobile craft "desk" and what inspiring views! Enjoy your craft time with family.. it's precious :)

    Sumbunneh hugs,
    Erika #35

  15. Think I'd have been there on New Years Eve with that lovely view to wake up to in the morning of the new year. Lovely view Chris and what a lovely time you seem to be having.
    Great journal page - now I must join in with some of the challenges - just as soon as this back pain gets sorted.
    All the very best for 2-19
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  16. A fabulous page with the scrap pieces Chris. I smiled when you said yours multiplied, mine do exactly the same.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Happy New Year! Good for you using your scraps. I can't seem to throw anything away and even when I do use the scraps, I just create more and more. LOL Dorlene #31

  18. Hi Chris, great to see you using those scraps. I'm good at collecting them, not so good at using them. Looking forward to another year of friendly creativity. Happy New Year and big hugs, Angela x16x

  19. I'm not sure where to begin, but I can say it is going to be hard to give up that view and that caravan. That's a view to die for.

    Your grandson is very talented. I like his doodles and I'm sure you are even more proud of him now, six years later. I'm so glad you shared this second look because I didn't know you in 2013, so this is a first look for me. Thank you for sharing this fun post.

    I really like the journal page you created, and it is definitely a great page for Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey. If I weren't so busy and not feeling well right now, I might join that use it up challenge. I didn't understand what you are going to use until it disintegrates, though. I do love your page, but am not sure I could make anything in 15 minutes. Thanks for this unique journal page using bits of leftovers and sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, dear friend.

    Wish I felt better. Now my voice is marginal, but my body wants to stay in bed all day and keep warm.

  20. I've been in clean up the self-multiplying scraps myself. Slowly I am getting there. Love how you used those scraps though. It is very modern and fresh! And you have a talented grandson. I bet I know where he gets that from. :) Hope it was a good January 2. Hugs-Erika

  21. Fabulous view and love the doodling on the book

    Have a great 2019

    Love Chrissie xx

  22. TFS your beautiful art! Wishing you an amazing 2019! hugs, Kim #30

  23. I love your "Use it up - fill it up/Geometric Shapes" page, Chris. Amazing what an artist like you can do with a few scraps.

    You have such beautiful views from your caravan. It must be a wonderful place to get inspired.

    Only 10? Your grandson shows real art talent!

    Hugs, Eileen

  24. That is a great view from the caravan, what a marvellous place to go to.
    I love your collage, it looks like a excellent use for your scraps and I'm really interested in collaging this year.
    Congratulations to your grandson, it's a fun piece and very effective too.
    Happy 2nd on the 4th, I'm running late already.

  25. It’s lovely to see you and your fancy new caravan Chris! of course you’re welcome at any time, flexibility is everything for those of us who have families, lives and hobbies! Your grandson doodles like, an artist doodling is still just squares and circles and the odd leaf connected by wavy lines. Love that green too. I really like your junk journal, and the 15 minutes idea, bet it makes you very productive. Most of all though, I laughed out loud at your comment about using the THoltz die till it disintegrates...I am so with you!!!

  26. Hi Chris, must admit your calling the caravan a caravan puzzled me as it looked like a house to my foreign eye, so did some research and realise now you probably mean a static caravan. I’m totally impressed with the view and the productivity of tis residents. Grandsons is quite spectacular, an dyes I use die cuts as a stencil till they desintergrate too. A good way to extend die use.
    Happy belated WOYWW 500.
    I’ve just started a devotional blog too second link be,wo if you’re interested.
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #10

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  27. I am so late getting round desks and missed last week all together! I love the view from your caravan - enjoy every minute. Happy New Year - hope we see you at Crop Ten in June! xx Jo

  28. I just love the colours in your page - a brilliant use of the scraps (let them multiply, I say, if you create such lovely things with them!) - and beautifully composed. Love your grandson's doodling too - amazing work from him, and I'm sure the thank you cards made with your granddaughter were great too.
    Alison x
