Friday 30 November 2018

Oscar and Eric..and York!

Hi everyone! We've been out today, first a walk then lunch and a little bit of Christmas shopping!!

I have one more page for Erika's Vintage or Modern theme at Art Journal Journey.

As you can see Oscar and Eric are making their way through the modern art gallery and eavesdropping on spectators comments! 

I spattered lots of different coloured paints and I apologise to fans of Jackson Pollock!!

I have a quick look back at this time last week too! We were in York  and we ended up in a fake snow storm....
 Walking through the Shambles and some of the shops had fake snow machines in their upper windows - magic!!!

 We had been to the museum earlier where children were in Victorian dress!

This is the way to the railway station the next day!!

See you in December!!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. I just loved Oscar and Eric Chris!
    Your experience with fake snow storm must have been amazing:)
    Love from Lula

  2. A fabulous Page,Just so fun!Great impressions of York Chris!Thank you for joining Art Journal Journey once more:-) Happy start of December!hugs,Susi

  3. A wonderful modern page with those awesome characters visiting the art gallery.
    The photos in York look lovely and the fake snow made it look very festive.
    Yvonne xx

  4. I loved Oscar and Eric. You have such a clever and fun imagination. I have actually heard those exact words used in some art museums, especially when it comes to Modern Art. The one I hear the most is "I don't get it!"

    This is such a fun page and the background splats are perfect. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful art journal entries with us this month at Art Journal Journey, dear Chris. Your art has been phenomenal and we greatly appreciate it.

    What a fun time you shared with us when you were in York. That must have been fun to get caught in that fake snow storm. Lots of truly lovely photos, too. I felt like I was there with you.

  5. Fab fun page Chris - a sure JP would be pleased!
    Love the York photos.
    hugs, Neet xx

  6. York looks so magical! And add the snow-even though it is fake, sure makes it magical. And thanks so much for all your support! This page made me smile. Yup, that is what you hear, isn't it? Happy December! Hugs-Erika

  7. Love your page with Oscar and Eric. I love York - was hoping for more photos!!

  8. Love Oscar and Eric - great page xx York looks fab really need to go back again!! Have a lovely weekend x

  9. OMGosh! That looks just beautiful with the snow coming down.
    Love the funny character stamps. :)

  10. What a cool idea to have fake snow and Victorian carolers!

  11. Well, that's one way to guarantee a white Christmas - it looks lovely. I think Oscar and Eric should probably stick to the galleries with the more traditional painters from now on!!
    Alison x

  12. I love York and especially at this time of year - always so festive and so olde worlde! My brother lived there for a long time and I really miss visiting the place.

    Love the page :-)

    Cath x
