Saturday 20 October 2018


Hi everyone!

As promised, I have a journal page for Linda's Creature Comforts theme at Art Journal Journey.
I was very lucky as a child to grow up in the country. We lived in a cottage, with a farm just a field away on one side, and another farm almost opposite. I may have mentioned that my dad worked on a nursery growing plants on a large scale and my brother and I had access to all of these places. We were also lucky to have a large garden and lots of pets but my favourite thing in the garden was the swing built by my Dad and Uncle - not your run of the mill swing, but one with large wooden posts and a good size seat, big enough for both my brother and me although he didn't use it that much!

Now, before any of you cheeky ones suggest that this is me and my brother, I know this image is more my Gran's era than any other time but this image from a set of cheap cards I bought years ago has just the kind of swing we had, err..without the flower garlands!

This image evoking fun, family times is my reason for linking to Art Journal Journey.

I'll be back soon with some more of what I have been up to! 

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. I did briefly wonder.... I loved my swing too. yours sounds more fun though! Great memories.

  2. What an amazing page and a wonderful memory ! I wasn't that lucky country girl you were. I lived in Vienna and I had a swing mounted in the door between the living room and the sleeping room of my parents. Once I fell of the swing and with my head directly on a corner of my parent's bed --- outch!

    Thank you for a wonderful page for the Creature Comforts theme. I am so pleased about your wonderful support this month again!

    Have a great Sunday!
    Big hugs and lots of LOVE from

  3. That's a beautiful page Chris. I love your use of real leaf as part of the layout, and I really love your story about growing up. It sounds idyllic. What I would love for sure. A cottage just sounds romantic. (But I am sure it had issues just like living in a regular house) happy rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  4. such a darling vintage image to show your fond memories! What a lovely memory of growing up too. thanks for once again joining AJJ!

  5. A wonderful page and happy memories for you Chris. It is a lovely vintage photo and I never gave it a thought, that it may have been you on the swing.
    Yvonne xx

  6. There was a porch swing when I moved to Wichita, but it was so far gone, no one would have been safe in it. Sadly, I turned it into firewood for my chiminea. Yours on the other hand, is fabulous, even the garland is beautiful. And NO, I didn't think that was you and your brother. It's a beautiful entry for Linda's theme at Art Journal Journey and of course, I LOVE it.

  7. What a wonderfully nostalgic post and page - the sepia plum tones are just magical, as is the layout.
    Alison x

  8. A Lovely Memory page in your journal Chris. Very vintage like wine - buit not you.
    Hugs, Neet xx
