Wednesday 25 October 2017

Watch the stars!

I haven't had a lot of play time lately. I was about to finish this page when I realised the freezer had broken down when I went to freeze the other half of the soup hubby made for lunch today, so it's been an afternoon  of searching for the insurance policy(we found it)and phone calls!
I did get to finish it before the light failed so here it is…
It's no secret that I love flowers but what you may not know is that  I am fascinated by the stars - I know some of the constellations and where to find them - every night the last thing I do is look out of the window to see if there are stars in the sky. In fact, when we are at our caravan I have been known to drag hubby out onto the decking just before bedtime!
It's good to appreciate what is around us! 

I used a Lynn Perella Paper Artsy image, some flowers that my lovely friend Elizabeth gifted me and one of my new Paper Artsy Alison Bomber quotes. All this went onto an inked page with a piece of under paper that I quite liked.

I am joining in with Elke's them at Art Journal Journey - Landscapes of the Soul.

Thanks for looking, Chris 


  1. what a pain! hope you get your freezer sorted or replaced soon! fab page, as always. have a vision of you "dragging oh onto the decking before bed" now..... lol.

  2. Oh I am sorry to hear your disaster with the freezer - annoying - hope all gets well soon!
    The page is soooo beautiful - I love the calming design - absolutely stunning!
    A wonderful page for the Inner landscape theme Chris! Thank you!

    oxo Susi

  3. I hope that soon the refrigerator will be okay again or get a new one!
    really beautiful Page! the background is imaginatively designed also the colors! very romantic!!
    Thank you for linking to AJJ on a topic! I'm so happy again!

  4. Beautiful page, Chris, the stars and other heavenly bodies are always fascinating and beautiful, I love them, too. Sorry about the freezer! Hugs, Valerie

  5. This is a beautiful page Chris. The night sky has a magic all of its own and good to look at especially on clear nights. You are not along I think when you say you spend time gazing at the stars.
    Hope all will be well with the freezer, they do pick the most inconvenient times to stop working.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Yes, I knew you loved flowers, but had no idea you were so interested in the stars and constellations. What a beautiful spread you created and I suspect you are running amid the stars later tonight, if only while looking outside your window.

    I hope you caught the problem in time and got it fixed or a replacement before you had to toss everything, or eat all that food at once! I'd be glad to take any extra ice cream off your hands (grin).

  7. Loving this latest page in your journal Chris, exquisite work.
    Julie x

  8. A beautiful page Chris, I'm always fascinated by the night sky and have never lost interest since Girl Guides Stargazers badge!
    Hope your freezer got fixed quickly.
    Avril xx

  9. I really love this piece you created hope everything ended up ok with freezer

  10. Such a pretty page! The beautiful lady and quote are perfect with the lovely layers and stars you created 😁. Hope the freezer is all sorted soon and wishing you a Happy Friday! J 😊

  11. Hope by now you have a good freezer again. Really soft and lovely journal page and quote. beautiful.

  12. That lady looks like she liked to watch the stars. In the old days from the looks of her. That's a great image. I really like this page and your theme too Chris. Hugs-Erika

  13. The page is soooo beautiful - I love the calming design - absolutely stunning!

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