Sunday 3 September 2017

Not going round in circles!

Hi everyone, Thank you for the lovely comments you have been leaving for me!

I'm not going round in circles…yet! I suspect by the time next Sunday comes I could well be!
I don't know what compels me to have a  super clean of the apartment when I should be preparing things for packing but it happens every time we are going away for anything longer than a few days!

My page today was inspired by seeing Yvonne's new theme - Colour in My World at Art Journal Journey.

The page was painted a while ago and stencils were added but that was as far as it got  - it just didn't seem to want to join in my playtimes!!!

One thing I did like was the colours I had used so today I added various circle stamps (mainly Paper Artsy)and some swirls and doodled dots 
I stamped the Kim Dellow flowers onto some rather messy under paper, cut them out, stuck them down and added some drawn stalks.

The JoFy words are to remind me to focus on what is important!!!

Have a great week!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Lol love your title! :) and love your page, I adore those circles! x

  2. Gorgeous page, love the patterns and colours. Don't get giddy if you are going round in circles! Have a good start in the new week, hugs, Valerie

  3. I loved how you used the background page Chris and those colours blend so well together and with the flowers having a round shape, I can imagine going round in circles. Thank you for creating this fabulous colourful page for my theme choice at AJJ.
    Yvonne xx

  4. I love all those circles and your colour choices in the bacgkround are just gorgeous! Hugs, Anne xx

  5. I am in awe of this beautiful page with the very true quote. I'm like you. I seem to need to clean my home until it's spotless before I can do anything else. Some sort of OCD, I fear is my problem. Glad you took time to make some beautiful art for AJJ today, though.

  6. I know what you mean Chris, I'm always compelled to do the same as I love returning to a cleaning house after we have been away 😉. We have family visiting and I spent most of last week cleaning too! Now they are here I don't have much time for visiting everyone's blogs so it looks like I'm going to have to try and catch up with people before bedtime aslong as I'm not to tired 😀. I love the red and turquoise colour combination you used and those pretty circle images you created - beautiful! Wishing you a Happy start to the week and Happy September! J 😊

  7. I get the clean house part. I hate coming home to a mess. It's bad enough to have laundry and unpacking to do. So I run around like a crazy lady before the trip. :) Love the circle page too. It was smart to make some of the big circles into flowers. :) Hope you don't go too nuts getting ready for the trip. Hugs-Erika

  8. Great page, love the quote. Enjoy your trip - it's a holiday, so don't arrive worn out from all this work you're doing!

  9. Beautiful page, Chris. Love the doodlings and colours.
    Wishing you a good start of September 💕

  10. I love your vibrant circle page. The colours are gorgeous, and the quote so true. I'm with you with the house cleaning, must be a woman thing.

  11. I love the red and turquoise combination and those pretty circle images - beautiful! ANd the quote is wonderful!
    Don't stress too much now , but it seems like to be a ritual of woman to clean when they get nervous!
    Cleaning the house is always good before leaving for holidays - you have it nice and tidy when you return - enough work with the laundry then!
    Thank you for such a beautiful entry for Art Journal Joureny dear Chris!
    Happy week - relax!!!!
    oxo Susi

  12. I like your colors and all the nice ornaments on the background, looks full of hamony to me.
    Great idea how you made the flowers on it. Nice Artwork.
    Dear Greetings

  13. I always liked to come home to a clean place, too. ;)
    Cute flowers. Enjoy your trip.

  14. Don't get giddy if you are going round in circles! Have a good start in the new week, hugs, Valerie


  15. Love this page Chris, the colours are gorgeous and Jofy's saying is something I ought to pay attention to. Hugs Pat x
