Thursday 20 April 2017

Spring walks!

While we had our son and grandchildren staying with us at our caravan we decided to visit Rydal Mount again. I had been a few years ago with them and they enjoyed exploring the paths and steps at the time.
It's only a few weeks since hubby and I went but we were surprised at the changes!So much more colour!

The moss is sprouting

The Wisteria above the door is beginning to flower! 

In Dora's field the bluebells are replacing the daffodils
 There are also some Narcissi.
Unfortunately something else has changed - not so much exploring now!!!!

Thanks for looking - I am scheduling this post as …ermm, we aren't going to be around for a while again!!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Wonderful photos Chris!
    Enjoy your trip!

  2. Lovely photos Chris. Enjoy your trip.
    Yvonne xx

  3. great photos - enjoy your latest trip (wondering if I can guess where you are? second time lucky maybe??)

  4. Gorgeous photos, have fun whatever you are up to! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Beautiful photos Chris, how lovely to see the Wisteria out so soon. Hope you have a good time on your latest adventure! Hugs, Anne xx

  6. Wow. This is an absolutely gorgeous collection of photos. I love all the blooms and the rich greens. Have fun on your next adventure. hugs-Erika

  7. I adore the trip you took to Rydal Mount. It is such a lovely place and the greenery is incredible. I'm amazed that some of the trees aren't in bloom, though.

    It's amazing how the young are so attached to their cell phones. Some even get stressed if they aren't checking them every few minutes.

    Have a lovely trip and tell T happy birthday on Sunday. BTW, I forgot to take your gift today, so I'll open it Saturday. Have fun while you're away. Take lots of photos, please. I live vicariously.

  8. Delightful photos of your visit Chris with the grandchildren and off again so soon? Have fun and a great weekend xxx

  9. How beautiful there!
    Chuckled at the grandkids on the cell phones. :)

  10. Looks like my grandchildren - their heads are always in their gadgets!
    Loved your pictures.
    Sandy xx

  11. I do love this time of year as everything bursts forth in glory... thanks for sharing these fabulous photos. Hope you're off having fun with more explorations.
    Alison x

  12. Beautiful photos! It looks idyllic! Have fun on your holiday 😊
