Tuesday 21 February 2017

T stands for…..tidy craft room…

….part one! It's come around to Tuesday again and as promised I will show you some of my newly tidied craft room.
I forgot to take an absolute 'before' pic so the ones you see were taken part way through.
 This is the are that has changed the most…next to my tall cupboard
As you can see there are drawers there now - these were under my table (photos next week) Yes I still have things on the floor but they are accessible now!
OK…I'll show you inside…!
 Most things are labelled now - those that aren't are obvious…to me!

As you can see I was distracted and coloured my drawers with alcohol inks. They still need labelling!
The trolley is one I bought last year - I can move it around if someone comes to stay over as this is where they have to sleep!
The end of the trolley has my tapes,glazes and sponges!

Last week we bought a new trolley, sadly no more of the lovely turquoise ones. My journals all fit on the top layer and my melt pot has been taken out of a box and is now accessible…maybe I will use it more now!
Finally for today - You may have caught a glimpse of a cushion that hubby bought me a few years ago.

Here are some goodies I bought on an afternoon out with hubby - we actually went looking for 12x12 storage boxes!!!
All at bargain prices including a magazine with free dies and coasters at £1. I even got tempted by a colouring book reduced from £9.99 to £2.99 - I and going to use some of the images in my planner.
As we are here for T Stands For Tuesday over at Bluebeard and Elizabeths place….I had better show you my drink!

Oh yes…and hubby acting the fool! We stopped halfway round our shopping at the supermarket for a coffee and in my case a cheese scone(hubby's is a coconut macaroon. We both had cappuccinos. It is only a small cafe so they serve in takeaway cups to avoid washing up! 

I may have to wait until this evening to visit as we are meeting son and grandchildren for lunch and then off to the cinema!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Good morning and Happy T Day I am new joining in the fun. Your craft room is looking good-doesn't it feel fabulous when things are more organized and easy to find-I have a small room with sooo much stuff in there right now mine is looking really bad again and should tackle mine too.
    enjoy your day

  2. Your room looks very organised now, have fun. I wonder how long it will stay that way? My tidy table lasted 2 days, sigh....The food and drinks look good, thanks for sharing. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Love that cupboard and it does look very neat and tidy! My arts and craft room is always a work in progress as well. Like last weekend I have changed a couple of drawers around because of the volume of my fountain pen inks have slightly gotten out of hand... and LOL isn't it always the case that when you go to buy other things you end up with more craft supplies anyway? :D Have a great week! xo Cheetarah

  4. Your craft room looks fabulous with all the containers for organizing Chris! I am dying to get to mine but won't do much until son moves out (which should be soon:)as mine needs a BIG overhaul. I love your trolleys and have seen a few of them on other artists blogs as well. Don't know that they have anything like those in the US. Cheese scone-yes please! A lovely way to end a day along with the bargains. Happy T day!

  5. Your craft room looks amazing and so tidy :-). I'm suprised your guests get any sleep, I'd be too excited surrounded by all the lovely art supplies and want to explore :-). You managed to get some great bargains while you were shopping and the cheese scone looks so yummy! Happy T Day! J :-)

  6. It looks like you have organised everything Chris and it will be such a good idea to have labels as well. Love the trolley idea for when people come to stay.

    Happy T Day hope you enjoy meeting your son and the children

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. This is amazing. Your craft room is to die for. I love what you have done to it, and I like how you used art to decorate the room. I would give anything for all that storage, and even more for a better way to hide my stuff. Your "closet" is fantastic. I'm thrilled you shared this makeover with us.

    Loved the quirky photo of T and you taking a quick break to eat a bite and have a coffee. Thanks for sharing this, as well as your clean craft room with us for T this Tuesday. Have a fun day with son and grandees.

    BTW, I wish we lived closer. I'd give you a container that holds 12 X 12 paper. I keep the white 12 X 12 paper Kathy gives me that comes with each pack of scrapbook papers she buys.

  8. Such funny husbands this week! i like a man with a sense of humor .. its the best way to get thru life i think.. LOVE seeing pictures of your craftroom..Your space looks so organized... The time is getting close for when i need to design my craftroom and i'm getting a little nervous... I'd like to do it right the first time... lol Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  9. Looking good Chris. I did mine 2 weeks ago and now I can't find anything. I'll get there though. Hope your both well. Hugs Rita xxxx

  10. I can almost taste that cheese scone, sooo yummy! Now I'm hungry lol

    Happy T Tuesday

  11. oh my, no wonder it too so long... I am very impressed.. want to come and do mine?! I adore cheese scones, though none you buy are as good as the ones my Mum used to make! Really must find her recipe..

  12. I am most impressed with your organization now! You did it really well Chris!
    oxo Susi

  13. Oh, well done! Wish mine was tidy - not good at the moment. Great organisation going on. I've got two of those Ikea trolleys - very much like the idea of the extra saddlebags on the sides!! You definitely earned your goodies and your scone.
    Alison x

  14. Everything does look tidy, I often start, but never seem to finish!!
    Goodies instead of storage boxes look good to me, especially finished off with cake.
    Love the cushion.
    Avril xx

  15. Your craft room does look so well organised Chris, and the labels on the boxes for sure will make finding things easier. Memo to self here, its a great idea, why don't I do that.
    Its a fun cushion on your chair as well.
    Crafters cannot bypass a bargain, a good excuse to look for more boxes on another day.
    Happy T Day, I hope you enjoyed your delicious looking scone.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Are you sure that you didn't come here and photograph my room Chris - lol! You look like you have done a great job tidying up, you make me want to tackle mine now.. I love the idea of a moveable trolley. Great looking scone too. Hugs, Anne xx

  17. Hi, Chris!

    I love stopping by your blog, and really enjoyed your craft room tour today. You are so organized and ready to craft now. Actually, I'm wondering if you can come to America and help me organize mine? I really need your skills, and there are perks (such my own personal bed and breakfast and endless hours of crafting included!). I think the photo of your husband is adorable. It looks like you two have such fun together.

    Sending hugs from across the pond,


  18. You have worked hard!!! I have a trolley like that and I love it ♥♥♥♥ it's that same lovely turquoise too. I'll have to look for some container like that for the sides too, a brilliant idea. I keep my paint supplies and some of my journals in it and it's over flowing. The whole room is actually. I share the room with the husband and our stuff over flows onto each others and looks like a war zone most days. I will have to try and get it a bit more organized soon. Happy T Day!!!

  19. i have two of These Ikea-trolleys, too and i really love them. now i think i must find such gorgeous hang-in-pots for them, really good!
    and labelling is such an important Thing, you are right.
    happy t-day!

  20. Oh doesn't it feel good to be a bit more organised! And now you can actually find things!. I like your tall cupboard. It looks very neat and tidy. Those IKEA trolleys are great. I have two of the turquoise ones. I remember I was only going to get one, and hubby insisted I get two as he knows me. He knew I would want another one further down the line and it would mean another 400 mile roundtrip, and they might not have that colour anymore. How right he was!
    I think those little buckets you have hanging on it are very handy. Did they come from IKEA too?
    Belated happy T-Day,

  21. What fun to see your newly tidied crafting space! You've utilized your space so well...Love the cute pillow and pops of color! If I came for a sleepover, I wouldn't get any sleep-lol. I'd be having fun with your supplies! Enjoyed the cute pic of your hubby and yummy baked goods...Made me smile 😃 Happy T Day!

  22. Oh my, what a wonderful job of organizing you've done! I find it so much easier to create when I know where everything is - which I usually don't ;-( I guess it's time for another clean out.

    Your pillow made me giggle, as did the photo of your hubby hamming it up.

    Happy T-day, Chris! Hugs, Eileen

  23. I have this thing about looking at other people's happy places. I get ideas and I am glad to see someone who has as much stuff as me. Mine is definitely messier since you started cleaning, makes me feel like a slacker. Ha-ha! :) Happy belated T day from me-life's been busy this week. Hugs-erika

  24. You're inspiring me to do a Spring clean. Though I really should do a Spring Fling as I have TMS (too much stuff). I like the idea of the rolling craft carts. I need to rethink my storage as on cabinet I have with 3 drawers broke. I don't like cheese, but that coconut macaroon sounds delicious. I love coconut. Happy belated T Day

  25. You smart girl you! Look at those tidy cupboards! I'm sure it feels great to sink into that chair (with the lovely cushion) and create up a storm! What fun. I'm moving my space around (in circles mostly...) too and hope to make similar process. Wish me luck and thank you for the inspiration. Hugs, Autumn

  26. Chris, isn't it always a challenge to organize our "stuff" when we have too much in too little space? I always wish for a bigger space to craft,thinking I will be more organized, bu the truth is, I would just put more stuff in it! Looks like you are doing great with this task though, and I know you could work wonders here in the Closet! Loved seeing your hubby enjoying his snack--they look delicious!

  27. Do like those trollies! Intrigued with the white holders hanging off them. Had not seen them before. Noticed some of your tags hanging from your shelf. Nice way to display them.
