Wednesday 7 September 2016

I don't get it - a journal page

I am so inspired by Elizabeth's choice of topic - Back to School - at Art Journal Journey - I have already started another page as well as completing this one.

I had a happy little girl the other day but now I have a little lad who feels like I used about Maths lessons. 
I once ran away from school in the middle of a Maths lesson at Junior school when we had a supply teacher called Miss Hood who used to wear a red scarf around her throat. She had black hair cut into a spiky kind of bob and I don't know whether it was her or the Maths I was running away from, but I never liked Maths lessons after that.

By the time I reached High School I really struggled with Maths, I just couldn't see how to apply certain aspects into real life, and was moved out of the mainstream Maths class to do Economics which suited me far better - we learned about bank accounts, calculating bills from electric and gas meter readings, budgeting and other practical stuff!

I was always near the top of the class in other subjects , especially English, Art, History and Biology.
Strangely, these days I really enjoy doing number and logic puzzles.

Anyhow, enough about me, here is my page
Distress inks, texture paste, crackle paste, Distress crayons, stencils and stamps with some TH rulers stamped onto card and some TH label numbers. The boy and the quote which I stamped onto tissue are Lindsay Mason's stamps.
The boy was coloured in with Distress Markers.

By the way, when I got home my Mum gave me a drink and walked the mile back to school with me, where I had to apologise to the teacher!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Lovely journal page and story! I often ran away from home, but never from school! Thanks for another lovely page for AJJ, hugs, Valerie

  2. Oh no. Math fear. Not uncommon I don't think. Math was ok for me but not my best subject.Of course I really don't use any of it now, except for the basics. But you certainly made a wonderful page about it. I love this, and that boy really looks perfect. Just plain stuck! Hope its a great week so far. Hugs-Erika

  3. Oh how I can relate to the math issues. I was fine is early school too but once in high school and advanced math and I was a lost cause. I had to repeat the same algebra class 3 times in order to get an acceptable grade. :( Your page is fantastic!!!! Have a fantastic week !!!

  4. I love the page - just beautiful and your personal story to it is so nice!
    Such things are in our head a life long for sure!
    I was not very good at Maths as well- don't exactly know how I managed to get the Abitur in the end... I can't help my daughter now in grammar school with maths - no glue and all what I knew I have forgotten meanwhile.....
    Thanks a lot for such a fab entry to ELizabeth's theme!
    Looking forward to the nest one as well!
    oxo Susi

  5. When I was in college, I had classes like Calculus, Math Thought, and Differential Equations (or as I called it "diff e q). Ask me to apply any of it today, and I'll say I can't. But back then, it seemed to make sense if I was going to be an engineer or a statistician. So now I guess I'm a bit like your adorable little boy. I don't get it, either. I especially don't get why I spent all that time learning it, only to let it all go to waste.

    Enough about me, though. Your journal page is adorable, and your message came through loud and clear, at least to me it did! Thanks for another wonderful entry.

  6. A really great and arty page Chris and a brilliant story to go with it

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. I can so relate Math is still not a favorite of mine OR a strong suit.
    Cute page you created Chris.

  8. Distress inks seem highly appropriate for math, as far as I'm concerned--LOL! I love this page!! ;)

  9. A great page again Chris, and I loved reading about your story! Love the texture colours and specially the main stamp you used, it brought a big smile to my face.

    Being a teacher myself, this made me remember what influence we have over the kids we teach, a scary thought.....

  10. LOVE this AJJ page, and can really relate to it. Math???? not my strong subject in school, but like you, as I grew older I enjoy so aspects of it.

  11. I never got maths (or science) either - I love this page, it is fantastic! That maths teacher has certainly stuck in your mind all these years, it must have been a very traumatic experience, lol!!

  12. Great story about Math. I didn't like any math until I was in college and took statistics and physics. Now it is all good. Your journal page is wonderous and hilarious! I bet we have all felt this way about the subject before. Lol! Love the look on the boy's face. Priceless! Hugz! ~Niki

  13. Brilliant page Chris, I was smiling as soon as I saw the title.
    Fabulous details on your page, love background texture and rulers.
    Sorry to hear about your maths experience.
    I know I could never get to grips with the maths that needed either a slide ruler or a little book with numbers in, something about cosines or was it logarithms... argh breaking out into a cold sweat thinking about that! ha ha
    I always wondered if it was just my school or the times, that they never seemed to teach many practical things, especially for when you leave and go out into the real world - but sounds like yours might have been the same.
    Gill x

  14. I had a smile seeing the cute little boy image, its a wonderful page with great texture and detail. Thanks for sharing your memory.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Great page Chris, cleverly put together. Xxx

  16. Fabulous page Chris. I do love hearing all your stories and this really made me smile!! :) I loved maths, my favourite subject!! xx

  17. I like your page very much, although math was my favorite. But I know exactly what you mean - I had other things at school I did not get, for example Chemistry or Latin. But what do I really need in the life after school? Learning much more things, I did not learn at school.

  18. Such a nice page dear Chris. I love the background texture and the funny boy on it. Maths was also not my favourite, only geometry was better. There I could see what I should calculate. Practical mathematics is much better to learn.
    Dear Greetings

  19. I love the colours on this page, Chris, and those touches of texture. I hope you've shown this to the little chap - it can only be reassuring for him to know he's not alone in his mathophobia.
    Alison x
