Sunday 7 February 2016

A page, some happy mail and a bit of a disaster!!

Hi everyone, I'm back - sort of! 
Still bit fuzzy around the edges - not going into details but the answer is…. a Bob Dylan song!! Nobody warned me about that!!!

Yesterday and this morning - hmm…a concentration thing….I made a double spread in my small Moleskine - intended as a double entry for Art Journal Journey - "If music be the food of love" chosen by Hazel….
and Moo Mania and More - Use Your Scraps - the whole background is covered in mop up scraps!
The scraps were in my journal before I went into hospital and up till yesterday haven't felt like playing at all.
The words of the song are some that have been going around my head over the last few weeks!!

Next is a big Thank You to Alison (Butterfly)at Words and Pictures and Jo (JoZart).

This arrived from Alison following my seeing it on her blog(here)

I am following the advice Alison, and can say that this is even more beautiful than the photos show!
Not only that..the photo looks so much like one of my Gran-except I am not up to rummaging for it!

Then this gorgeous package arrived from Jo
What it contained is so beautiful and such a comfort!
I had been hoping to go to the Manchester craft show with Jo until they changed the date of my op! She has been kind enough to show mw what I missed on her blog!

Both of these wonderful gifts have kept me thinking positively when I have felt a bit down so big Thanks to you both.

Oh! The disaster?  Yesterday I took this photo of an Amaryllis that I have grown this year - it has the most beautiful triple flowers!
 Today, having already said it needed more support maybe, as the final flower had bloomed, we heard a crash!!
The other one I grew didn't cause so much bother
I have never grown these before but looking forward to next year now!

That's it for now I'm afraid - I need to move around again - and maybe have a back rub!!!

Thank you for all your good wishes!

Thanks for looking, I will be around to visit soon!


  1. I am in love with your wonderful spread Chris!
    Thanks a lot for linking it to Art Journal Journey! ♥
    You got amazing mail from your lovely, artsy friends Chris!!
    The flowers are wonderful -- I have to grow one once again by myself..
    I did this years ago and remember that is was a big pleasure to see the blooming beauty !

    Happy new week for your! Wish you all the best!!!

  2. Oh - and I didn't mention that I love to see this spread at Moo Mania & More as well!


  3. your pages are beautiful, and the gifts so thoughtful! such a shame you missed the show, but glad you are on the mend - hope things ease soon and you get back up and running properly soon! Shame about the amaryllis though - I haven't grown one for a long time, and not had a white one - it looked stunning! sending you healing hugs. xx

  4. Oh Chris, your page is just gorgeous! I love the colours and the whole design of the layout - quite beautiful. How thoughtful of Alison and Jo and what beautiful things they sent to you too! Blog friends are so good!

    So sorry about your beautiful Amaryllis though, it really was a stunner but the other one looks really beautiful too.

    Take care, don't overdo things and I hope you feel a lot better very soon! Big gentle hugs, Anne xxx

  5. Beautiful double spread for AJJ and MM&M, good combined and fantastically made, love it. Glad you are slowly feeling better. Love the happy mail you got, such beauties, enjoy! Sorry about the amaryllis! Sh*t happens! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Sounds like you suffered Chris but so pleased to have you back. The pages are wonderful and how lovely to receive happy mail as well

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Gorgeous journal pages Chris and lovely colours. Good to see you back, but do look after yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Such wonderful page Chris. The colours are so beautiful and a great use for your scraps. Nice gifts! Mar xx

  9. Gotta love that music tape and the bird house is truly adorable. SO YOU. I was gone by the time you posted yesterday, but am back now, and ready for bed. Had to stop by and see that you are OK, and it was only the plant that hit the floor and NOT YOU.

    I don't know your one friend, Chris, but I know Jo, and she is a truly caring and wonderful friend. She is also very thoughtful and I have missed her art because I've been so busy. Glad you connect, even if it's on the internet. The show sounds amazing, too.

    Get better soon, dear friend.

  10. Love your journal spread. The colors are very pretty! The bird feeder is pretty too. And what a lovely gift! Sorry that your plant crashed :(! happy day!

  11. Wow Chris your page is just stunning. What a glorious combo of colours and design!! Wonderful happy mail, you must have been smiling all day...right up until you heard that crash. What a shame, that was such a beautiful flower. Any chance you can save it? hugs :)

  12. Hi Chris,
    So glad you sound like you are coming through the aftermath of your op and I am pleased too that my little gift helped in it's own little way. I was thinking of you and missed you at the show. You in turn missed a good show.
    Beautiful pages there and a real change in your colour palette for you. The white amaryllis is exquisite and such a shame it fell off. I hope you put it in a dish and kept it a while.
    Keep on getting better and hope to see you soon.
    BTW you showed the reverse side of the cross!
    Love Jo x

  13. Hi Chris, well your op is now behind you and I hope you will soon be feeling properly well again. How kind of your friends to send you happy mail. What a beautiful tag that is.. It's such a shame you missed the show but Jo certainly took lots of lovely photos of what was on display.

    Your pages are cracking. Lot's of lovely wiped up ink from your mat and interesting additions and great stamping too. Big Hugs, Barbxx

  14. Hi Chris and catching up with your news. Sorry you have been in hospital and hope you start to fell back to normal soon. Such a lovely thing for you to receive those fabulous gifts from friends. It's so nice when people think of you . I love your pages in your journal and your colour choices.
    Good job you took a pic of the flower from looking at what happened afterwards. Must admit I don't have green fingers so have never had one before. Take care and rest
    x catherine

  15. Hi Chris, Your journal page is lovely I love your choice of colors and it has me singing this Bob Marley song. Your lovely white amaryllis is (was)gorgeous what a shame it fell. I am playing catch up too and did not realize you had been in hospital, hope you are feeling better soon, its nice to see these lovely gifts from your friends and that they lifted your spirits. Take care, Mo x

  16. Hey Chris - I did not know that your have been in the hospital - I am going to have to read back and see what it is that I did not know! So glad you are home and your journal spread is fantastic!!!
    Sandy xx

  17. I love your journal pages, the colours and images are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  18. Your pages are truly fabulous!!! And what a lucky girl you are to receive a tag from Alison! GORGEOUS! Hang in there sweetie!

  19. Hi Chris, loving your journal pages, my favourite colours. Sorry to hear you have been in hospital. Sending gentle healing vibes xxx Enjoy your Amaryllis, I'm still awaiting mine to flower! It's one I had last year, I've not managed to keep them going before so eagerly awaiting the flower to open. Sorry, I haven't been around to comment, my son has been in hospital and is still in there up at Lancaster, quite a trail! Take care, speak soon. Gez xxx

  20. Fabulous pages Chris, colours are just gorgeous The amaryllis looks stunning. Such a shame about its accident.
    Lovely 'happy mail' and good timing too.
    Avril xx

  21. Gorgeous pages and glad to see you were up to designing em. what a wonderful song choice and oh so classic. Awesome sauce details! Phooey about the beautiful flower, so sorry to see the crash. Stunning pink one though! Here's mads props to you for growing such lovelies, it couldn't be easy. Glad to hear you are on the mend! Hugz! ~Niki

  22. I'm amazed you are up and at 'em so quickly! Poor amaryllis! What a beauty it was! My Mom said she received a similar one as a Christmas gift from a friend, and loved it. Alison is such a sweetheart to send you one of her works of art, and I know how excited you must have been to receive Jo's package, as well. Good to see you are getting around. Big healing hugs!

  23. Geez, that was rude of me! I forgot to say how much I LOVE your journal page,and I'm amazed you feel like making anything or are able to! The birdies remind me of your bird feeders in your back yard. Lovely sketch on those awesome backgrounds! :)

  24. Love your journal pages - fizzing with colour... you are definitely the mop-up queen! The bird table is adorable. So happy you're enjoying the tag, and what a lovely package from Jo.
    Alison xx
