Monday 4 January 2016

Lets make a snowman!

When I saw Susi's post this morning the title and the snowman brought a memory back from around thirty years ago.

My youngest son who was only 3 at the time had a role in the Play School concert. He sang his solo really loudly and I had tear in my eye! 

"Let's build a snowman, 
Round and fat,
Let's make some snowballs, 
throw them at his hat"

The only thing is that as he got to the last line the children at the side threw cotton wool snowballs - lots!!! Although during rehearsals he had been told that this would happen the children had only pretended to throw snowballs.
He turned and gave them such a disgusted look that he brought the house down….
….but I spotted the tears in his eyes!

I was feeling brave enough to paint straight into my journal. The snowflakes are using a stencil and the snowballs are some dry embossed paper.

This is my latest entry to Chrissie's Art Journal Journey challenge - Winter Wonderland.

Oh! and I still get a lump in my throat when I think of this!!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. ohhh, poor lad! love your snowman journal page, it's fabulous.

  2. That's a lovely little story Chris and it's no wonder you made a sad looking snowman, he looks like he needs a hug.
    Avril xx

  3. awww :( I agree with Mrs B, your lovely snowman definitely needs a hug. Love his fabulous hat and scarf! Gill xx

  4. A wonderful fun page with such a great story. That inspired you to paint it.. Thank you for joining in at Art Journal Journey and making me smile

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. The page is just PRETTY even Mr Snowy looks unhappy! Wonderful!
    This nice story reminds me of myself... as I played Herod in the nativity play at primary school (45 years ago). I played my part with so much enthusiasm - but as I was the bad guy of the play
    I received boos - specially from the inhabitans of a retirement home. Will nerver forget this!
    Thank you for another fantastic entry to our January collection over at Art Journal Journey CHris!
    Happy new week!

  6. Gorgeous page, what a great snowman, and it brings back so many memories for you. Thanks for joining us again at Art Journal Journey, Hugs, Valerie

  7. Aaaawww what a sad story. I hope your son has forgotten it.
    Your snowman looks awfully upset too, but it's a great illustration for your story.

  8. I was wondering why the sad snowman face, poor guy, and hard to be the mom too and remember those tears. He is a lovely snowman though, even with his frown!

  9. Ah, what a shame for him and also for you! Your snowman does look quite sad but you really have created a lovely background for him. Hugs, Anne xx

  10. Ah, Chris, what a lovely family memory I imagine that he had a big hug from his mum. Love your fantastic snowman, even though he looks a little sad.
    Yvonne xx

  11. The sad snowman story was just as wonderful as your art. How sad that your son had to go through that. I certainly enjoyed the art, and your story tugged at my heart strings, too. A big hug to you and your son are in order.

  12. Chris
    The story is funny but also so touching at the same time, with your son having a tear in his eye.
    So often snowmen are always jolly, that is why there is such beauty in your snowman and a tenderness. Absolutely love this page.

  13. What a cute page and story.
    Hugs xx

  14. Enjoyed your story so much .. great piece you have made out of it. hugs, Donna

  15. What a lovely story Chris. A great page and a super sad snowman. Barbxx

  16. Oh, what a shame that he was not warned about the actual snowballs! What a horrible surprise it must have been for him! Hopefully he has not remembered how bad he felt. My son got his hair cut after a very long time yesterday, and the 2&/%***, bleep, bleep "hairstylist" butchered him. I've not seen a tear in my son's eyes for a very long time until yesterday. Oh, how bad I felt for him! So I can totally relate!

    I digress...your snowman is wonderful and that background is AMAZING! Big hugs!

  17. Awwwwh, poor little guy, little did HE know what a hit he was, even with a broken heart.
    Love your re-creation of the event!

  18. Love your journal page - what a great story!
    Sandy xx

  19. Oh poor sweet snowman, and your poor son taken aback at suddenly being under attack. Hope he's got over it by now! Such a sweet page - love the gleam of your snowman and the fantastic way you've added to the movement of the snowballs with the background.
    Alison xx
