Wednesday 9 September 2015


A few years ago when we were looking to move from our old house we had a good look around for somewhere new! My eldest son took us around Morecambe, not too far away from our caravan. As it turned out there was nothing that we could afford anywhere near the sea, although we did see a three storey house that needed work doing to it, right on the sea front with lovely views.We decided that as we were getting older it wasn't very practical so we are here in our flat!
I often wonder though….
 This might have been the view from our window!

We are lucky enough to be able to visit Morecambe so I don't really have any regrets!

This is to be linked to Art Journal Journey where Corinne's theme is From My Window.

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. A window that not only has a view, but no regrets, only a pondering. I adore this. That's a great background, too. Very seaside and beachy looking.

  2. I saw some of the lovely sea birds at my morning walk by the tidal river. I don't have a sea view either, but luckily we are close to the river(about 4 miles in) and it's deep salt tidal, so it feels like the sea anyway. Simple frame around your page for a lovely view. xox

  3. Love your journal page and the thoughts that prompted it. Big, old houses are not always the easiest homes when we are getting older. Have a lovely day, and thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey, valerie

  4. How lovely to do a page with a sea view. We live a few minutes from the seafront and sea that sort of view daily though I would love it to be through my window and not a walk away

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Love the sea view from your 'if' window.
    Avril xx

  6. I know what you mean, I always said I would retire to the seaside, but I know I won't, but it sure does have that 'pull'. Love your view through the window. xxx

  7. Your IF window page is just ADORABLE Chris.. so lovely -- the background- the colors !
    Thank you very much for linking to Art Journal Journey!


  8. Great Journalling Chris and a super focal point.
    Julie x

  9. Love you page what a great view that would be to wake up too

  10. That would be a great view IF you had gone.. but it was probably right not to take on a 3 storey house!! Your journal page is fabulous., and at least you can still visit the view.

  11. A fantastic view from your ' if ' , window, we cannot always have close to hand what we would like, but in our minds there is room to dream and imagine.
    Yvonne xx

  12. If only..... it can become such a theme in our lives, but usually there is a reason for why things work out the way they do.

    You obviously made the best of it :)
    Your window page is very clever, love how you interpreted the challenge theme!

  13. If I took a picture of these little birds that move so quickly - would they stay still for me? Snap ....
    Love your spread!!
    Sandy xx

  14. Your page is lovely ... I like your view and reading what you wrote struck a cord with me too.
    Keeping things manageable in life instead of adding more work sounds more and more attractive to Mr Magpie and I too.
    What If can be interesting to ponder...

  15. How beautiful to create a page centred around what you imagine might be the view from your window. I love this idea! Beautiful composition and I love the title of your post.

  16. what a really lovely page! Oh yes, those what ifs do come round about sometimes don't they? I know this is an English town but it sounds French to me -and of course that got me into my own what ifs:):)

  17. I really love those birds, and you use them so beautifully. This is a gently wistful page - those "what if"s can get to you sometimes, can't they? I'm sure you're right about the practicalities though... you might still be doing the necessary work!
    Alison xx

  18. This is a wonderful page Chris reflecting on your outcomes of that day. I am sure at the time you made the right decision. Have a good weekend
    x catherine

  19. Hi ya! Great to see you having some time in the north and great to Meet you at the shop too!
    Ps glad you stopped my by blog and thanks for your comment too!
    LOVE your page Love blue so you have the thumbs up from me and great to see the meshy stamp too!
    hugs me xx
