Wednesday 9 April 2014


Wednesday seems to have come around rather quickly this week! After a fairly busy time I am here with my view of sheep and birds as I type but with a photo of my desk at home with my crafty goodies from Italy - is that cheating - I hope our fantastic host Julia at Stamping Ground will forgive me(pretty please?)
Of course I went into that Moleskine shop(see previous post),just couldn't resist a small landscape sketch book and some small journals in colours I'd never seen before. The lady in the shop pointed me towards an area where they had stamps and ink pads built in and invited me to use them on my new purchases so I'm all set for a return visit to Rome! lol!
The packaging looks pretty useful too!

Also on my desk is a collection of mini calendars - half price - that I will use to cut up...eventually, a couple of wooden hens from Florence's version of a pound shop(99c) and a brooch from a women's co-operative craft venture in Rome.

This little collection came from Signum in Florence, lovely papers, including some blank paper that I hope to make some little books with and a calligraphy book that I bought for hubby. Hubby bought  few pens and nibs - he seems to be taking the calligraphy seriously(fingers crossed - he needed a hobby!!) 
We had visited two shops but couldn't buy blank paper so we were sent to the shop near Santa Croce that is attached to the workshop where they make their notebooks(Oh! bought one of those too but forgot to put it on my desk)
Do you like the patterns in the tiles in the Vatican museum?

A bit like some zentangle patterns don't you think?

Finally, this plant holder in our hotel was interesting, especially to fellow dumfers - its an old carding machine
Look at the spikes - health and safety issues??? Not in Italy - I suspect that it would have a rail around it in an English hotel!
So, that's it folks, I may have a few journal pages, but I hope you have enjoyed seeing my photos. I waited long enough to go to Italy and it didn't disappoint, this trip was a lot more relaxed than last Autumn's early rises, I would love to go back someday........

Thanks for looking, hope to come visiting later, Chris


  1. CHRIS sounds like your having a great time in Rome
    Moleskin journals look fab!
    Just by the Spanish steps is a lovely little coffe shop a few doors away from Prada !
    Jackie 26

  2. Love the idea of an Italian pound shop lol, so much more exciting than our poundland! And as a fellow dumfer, what a fab plant stand!!!!! Elizabeth xxx

  3. Super post Chris and I envy you your trip to Italy. How wonderful for you.
    I'l make it to Florence yet!
    Jo x

  4. Great time being had by both! Enjoy the rest of your time away - those crafty goodies look so inviting!!
    Margaret #25

  5. What fab finds.....glad Italy treated you better than me cos I've been there twice first time came back with shingles and second time was rushed to hospital the day we got back! Love that carding machine but know what you mean about health and safety.
    Annie x #51

  6. Sounds wonderful. Somewhere I've yet to visit. Interesting finds you have found :-) Like the patterns. Anne x #48

  7. Oh how awesome! I love this peek into another world. The tiles are crazy awesome and that carder! What a cool display!

  8. I'm loving all these photos, and the papers are FaB!!

  9. oh my, what fabulous goodies!! Off to check out the previous post now! Helen 11

  10. Great goodies, never made Rome myself so have enjoyed your photos.
    Such a lovely country and people.
    Bishopsmate #86

  11. Cant' wait to see what you make with your goodies, Julie x

  12. G'day Chris
    I haven't participated in WOYWW for maybe 9 months and I am trying to get to as many as I can this week.. Oh I am so envious here year I hope to travel over the sea indeed. How cool to go to a Moleskine shop...I have a small one that I doodle with water colours in...i love it! Your stash looks awesome and I love the tile patterns!!
    Annette In Oz #23

  13. Sounds like a wonderful holiday - can't wait to see what you produce with all the lovely goodies you brought back. Have a great week, Chris # 35

  14. Hi Chris, lolled at the Health and Safety thing- We've noticed that abroad too- despite being EC countries, nobody else takes H&S any where near as seriously as we do over here. To make things worse, our company has been bought by Americans, and if you think the EC is H&S mad, you should see them in action! Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #44 xxx

  15. I'm envious! I would love to go to Italy again (only been once, all too briefly). I love the idea of having stamps and inks in situ for you to use too. #60something

  16. A fab post - I love the carder - yes imagine elf and safety over here!!! x Jo

  17. Bit late in my commenting!! I have excuses ;) Love the moleskin stuff and your classy stuff from Firenze ;) Must pay the 99c shop a visit and of course the Signum shop is a must too ;)
    xoxo Sioux
