Saturday 13 April 2013

Sarah's Secrets!

Yesterday I spent the morning with my lovely friend Sarah of Art Of Moodling fame to do some journaling together. Sarah has signed up for 21 Secrets so I chose a number and it turned out to be  the amazing Kate Crane whose workshop we attended together a while ago! 
Clever Sarah took photographs as we went along so if you would like to see more take a look at her blog - in fact, I heartily recommend it, as you will see that we have ended up with such totally different pages! Sarah's reflects more of the kind of fun that we had whereas mine (I think) reflects our views on having and teaching children.

As you can see I'm no artist but I could see two spaces that were waiting for figures in them. Should I cut out from a magazine? or maybe draw then cut out my own(if it didn't look right then back to plan a)? Ummed and aahed then decided to just go for it! I mixed some Paper Artsy fresco paint to make a face then drew in hair etc using various pens. 
The quote is one I heard on a teaching seminar somewhere along the way and has somehow stuck - the thought being, that every child is different and although they need inspiration, advice and guidance they should be encouraged to think for themselves! 
We had a great time getting inky and catching up so Thank you Sarah for a such a lovely fun morning!
Off to that wedding party this evening!
Thanks for looking, Chris     


  1. Those faces are fantastic Chris! One thing I miss about teaching art journaling is seeing the different pages people make with the same supplies and 'guidance' - do love that we both ended up with faces on the pages :) What a fab morning, we must do it again

  2. Dont forget to post up some photos of you in your outfit :)
    Enjoy your wedding!
    The faces are lovely and look like children who are ready to learn!
    Fantastic pages!
    Already seen Sarah's- she is good isn't she? You both are!
    You say you are no artist and I am no artist either, but what the heck!
    Actually you are!
    Have a fab time!

  3. Hope you enjoyed your wedding evening. Your faces, I think they are really good and the pink and green go so well together, love all your layers. I am going to my first Andy Skinner workshop tomorrow at the Craft Den really looking forward to it. xx

  4. What do you mean your not an artist! Of course you are!!!
    Don't sell yourself short.
    Beautiful page.
    Hugs Lynn

  5. I love your figures... so glad you went for it freehand, they are absolutely wonderful. It's a really great background too, and what a completely brilliant quote!
    Alison x
