Monday 29 April 2013

Journal page

I have other things I should be doing but I keep adding to my nearly full journal. I started this a few weeks ago - we have to go back home in the morning, we haven't done half the things we thought we would (gardening and painting mainly) but I have stuck to my plan to work on my grandchildren's yearbooks - of course I can't show you them yet so I'll just show you how I feel right now! I combined two stamps to make the time machine!  
Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. What a wonderful page... both the inky stamping and stencilling and the thought behind it! The background is delicious (I'm guessing you've got some paper towel leftovers out of that!)... and I love your time machine - the clock balloon is so clever. Hope you've travelled safely today...
    Alison xx

  2. What a wonderful journal page. I am so glad you are feeling happy!
    Don't worry, the painting and gardening will be there on your return.

    It is so good to get to do some gardening at last...
