Sunday 7 April 2013

Doodle bug!

A few weeks ago I remembered seeing something similar to this on Pinterest (I don't seem to be able to find it again and can't credit the owner)but while I was away I started it and then continued when I came home - I'm not sure that it was really anything like this but I was enjoying doodling and I was quite pleased with the result!

Then hubby ordered this for me(ok…I did hint just a little!)
For once, even though itching to get started, I read what Dawn had to say about the book before making any marks at all!
The first thing I did was this...
Scribble! - I took this literally and had a great time, some little scribble birds, eyes peeping out of a scribble hedge and some thoughts on what I was doing!
My next page was a flowery affair
I'm finding it all very relaxing and I can just pick it up anytime! 
Back home for a while now so hope to catch up with a few blogs(well actually, can see them on my phone but have problems trying to comment so apologies if you think I have been ignoring you!)
Thanks for looking, Chrisx


  1. Ooh yummy pages Chris, love the doodling :-)
    Love the page below too.
    Are you thinking of going to the show at the GMEX in May?
    Anne x

  2. Looks like you are having fun with the doodling...very impressed with the squiggly line much work ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  3. looks like a very relaxing time you've been having!

  4. Wow amazing pages Chris your squiggly line one is wonderful. The doodle book is great fun I got one a couples of weeks ago very addictive

  5. All looks like such fun... freeform doodling with the life and colour of sheer enjoyment!
    Alison x
