Thursday 28 June 2012

Wet and Woolly

Had an amazing weekend at Woolfest with Sarah and Sarah,despite the pouring rain that we drove through to get there! There was so much to see, ranging from animals, through to items made from wool and all the processes in between!
There was this

and this, which was part of the most amazing stand with the work of Jan Bee Brown.
One of the cleverest bit of felting I've ever seen was on this stand run by Jennymade
                 Aren't they cute?
We watched a demonstration by Ruth Packham, who made this little owl,
 I'm definitely going to have a go myself(when I've moved!)

There really was a wealth of talent, the owner of these
 -Eta Ingham-Lawrie won a knitted cup for the best stand, her work is amazing.
I also had a reminder of something I(and I suspect many others) used to make when I was little!
May have to make some of these with my grandchildren!
I also saw these
in an auction ring - two of my granchildren made their own versions of these on a wet day at the Rhegged Centre at Easter(they kept theirs) They have been part of a project involving schoolchildren all over Cumbria.
Both Sarahs enjoyed themselves, we all spent far too much money, but of course only on really useful things!!
Finally just to show how much rain there was.......

This is a view of the farmers field that usually has cows or  sheep roaming!!
Time to go and do some more packing, thanks for looking, Chris  


  1. That looked amazing and I've sent the link to your post to my lovely Paula. But is woolfest something that is there all the time or was it just a weekend fair??
    Hugs Joanne xx

  2. Wow, all that felty magic and talent. You will undoubtedly have fun when you start your felting forays after the move.
    I am just boiling beetroot and after looking at this posting I know what I am going to do with the juice:)


  3. Loved looking at your pics, the felt animals are adorable and the owl is so cute. You certainly had a lovely weekend. Hope the packing and moving is going well, is your kitchen finished? xx

  4. It was a wonderful trip Chris, thanks so much for organising it. Looking forward to going again next year!
