Friday 27 April 2012

Sunday Stamper!

Which for me seems to be Friday Stamper! If you don't know what I'm talking about look here. Hels Sheridan - "Superstamper" - sets up this challenge every Sunday but somehow I never seem to manage to get round to my attempt until the end of the week:(
The theme this week was summer colours and I made a sparkly background by using some old h2os splodged onto a mat and rubbed my tag over the top, Sun is an old faithful stamp by Rubber Stampede and I stamped the words using Studio g letters onto a background that was in my box of scraps and cut them out. Only thing is ever since I started this I been singing the song - hope you are too!
Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. aha, you are singing!!! That was my intention all those years ago when I set up the Sunday Stamper... I am annoying rofl Lovely tag Chris... that stamp of the sun is fab! Thanks for joining in, hope you have a lovely weekend x

  2. Lovely summery card. Now you have me singing it too. Hugs Rita xx
