Friday 10 June 2011

I just can't stop...

playing with my needle felting! I went over to Paddy's Stamping Place the other day for more supplies as the colour range I had was limited (couldn't resist some new stamps though)and came home and made this
 and this

Paddy is having a closing down sale at the moment too, with some things on on offer at 25% off and a lot at 50% off. It may be good idea to ring and check opening hours before you go if you are travelling a distance, but there are still bargains to be had and she is hoping to clear a lot more stock. Her number is on her blog here.

I went out with friends last night, we have known each other since our children were babes, and we try to meet up every few weeks for  a meal and a chat. I thought it would be nice to take them a little surprise so I made them these
Margaret has two sailors in her life

I think they liked them...

I had a bit of trauma getting there as I had dropped in to my youngest son's with his partner's birthday card.When I came out I went up to the main road to get to the motorway, got into a wrong lane and had to turn right down a road that seemed familiar so thought I would be ok. Nope! driving along realised it wasn't familiar at all. Anyone sensible would have turned round and gone back but not yours truly:( I battled on till I did find something familiar, but it was so far out of the way, totally wrong direction and it took me ages to get on my way...consequently, late again.... fortunately there had been a mix up with their order so I arrived in time to put my order in with theirs! We all had a great time with lots to catch up on despite only having met up five weeks ago!
Here is the card that caused my downfall LOL

The little sweet jars are recycled wrapping paper, put on to my computer and then onto printable shrink plastic.He is doing well with his weight loss so I thought a little treat like this would be the best way!! He loved it, thank goodness! I used Print shop to make the little birthday banner.

Right off to pick up my new posh specs and then packing before picking up our eldest grandson!
Have a lovely weekend, thanks for looking, Chris.


  1. yes, it's truly addictive that needle felting. Your cards for your friends are absolutely STuNNiNG Chris, I love them! Have a great weekend with your grandson, and i'll see you Tuesday xx

  2. Oh I LOVE your needle felting :-) your cards are lovely too...great idea with the shrink plastic. I had to smile as I was reading your post...I'm glad I'm not the only one!!! I have been known to go in completely the wrong direction when driving...thinking that I recognise somewhere!!! Glad you got there safely..Love S xx

  3. Your needle felting is exquisite, Chris...I love all the cards you made for your friends, bet they were delighted with them! I love the countryside picture you did in a different post too...I am also in the Manchester area and wondered if you go somewhere specific to do it, or just on you own?? Would love to give it a go!! x

  4. WOW! Chris your cards are AWESOME. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them. You are so clever.XXX

  5. Forgot to say, so relieved to hear you found your way, what a scare :(
