Tuesday 25 February 2020

T Stands For...The Garden Centre

Hi everyone, I had intended posting before now but after taking our car for a service we decided to go to the cinema then out to lunch (Oops! Forgot to take photos of our World Buffet lunch!) 
The film - Call Of The Wild - was enjoyed by both of us for different reasons! The story is one we both knew and the film did stick quite closely to it but I'm afraid I didn't like the CGI dog at first, although I forgot about this as the scenery was the real star for me(and Harrison Ford of course!) Hubby loved the humour in the first part of the film!

Last week we went to a garden centre that gives free coffee for two every month! We were going shopping so decided to call in and have a look around!
They have some quite spectacular large garden statues...

 ..and some smaller ones..

 ...and apples, but no pears!!
We walked past the garden rooms..

 ..and lovely pots....no use to us any more!
Oh! They do sell plants too...

I haven't forgotten our drink that gives me ticket to T Stands For Tuesday over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's The Altered Booklover blog!
We headed inside to the indoor plants, patio furniture, cards, books, toys, pets area, clothing, garden tools, cooking equipment, farm shop and the cafe!!

I had my usual Americano, Hubby had Cappuccino, and we shared one of their delicious sausage rolls.
On the other side of the pillar is the restaurant - we have plans to visit there soon as we saw an offer on!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. thank you for a delightful tour of the garden center! It would be so difficult for me not to leave with at least several several of the statues;) And though I very rarely eat any meat, your sausage roll looks so good-it reminds of something similar I had in France on several occasions when I stayed with my family there:) Happy T day!

  2. Hi Chris, wow what an awesome garden center! I those statues very much-I am guessing they are pretty costly.
    I really want to see that film-I plan to buy it once it comes out for sale as we don't go out to the movies any more-none nearby and Larry can't sit in those seats for very long.
    Loving those big coffee cups! Happy T hugs Kathy

  3. oop[s that should read I love those garden statues

  4. It looks a really lovely garden centre you visited Chris, lots of tempting garden statues, if they were in a price range that ordinary folk could afford. They always seem so expensive.
    The sausage roll looked delicious, its ages since I made any.
    Have a good week.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Glad you enjoyed the film. The garden centre looks great. We have a similar one along the road here, but NO FREE COFFEE!!!! I like those giant apples! Might be a bit big for my balcony though! Have a fun week and happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  6. I enjoyed strolling through your garden center, Chris. The big scupltures are really impressive. Your sausage roll looks delish!

    Happy T-day! Eileen x

  7. Oh wow, that is a fantastic garden center! love the statues, but the dragon and Easter Island heads actually stand out for me. ;) Always enjoy seeing your hubby's smiling face...he is a good sport for modeling for you! happy T day!

  8. Sounds like you had a fun day, glad you both enjoyed the film 😀. The garden centre looks lovely, so many wonderful statues and I love those apples, shame there was no pears though 😉. Sending you Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  9. I got a synopsis of the film and really don't want to see it. I don't like sad endings. The main dog was found in a shelter in a town a few miles from Wichita. She paid (someone said) $15.00 (USD) for him (he had been abandoned) and took him back to California where he was "discovered" by someone from the movie set. Quite a rags to riches story for that lucky dog.

    Some of those statues are amazing. However, I don't think I could afford them, even the small ones. I did enjoy the trip around the center, though.

    T looks quite happy to sit and enjoy his cappuccino. And I'm sure that sausage roll was delicious, too.

    Thanks for taking us to the garden center and sharing your coffees with us for T this Tuesday (more like Wed in your world).

  10. Beautiful tour! Thank you for the wonderful visual ~ I think if I were to own a statue it would be a small angel or cherub in my butterfly garden. I think I'll order an Americana my next coffee shop visit, that sounds yummy right about now ~ Enjoy your week!

  11. Wow, that garden center has a lot of nice statues. And I like seeing all of the plants: it reminds me Spring isn't too far away for me here in Connecticut US. I want to see Call of the Wild, so I'm glad you mentioned it. (I forgot about it being out in the theatres here now.) Your food looks delicious. Happy belated T-Day!

  12. Beautiful pictures of the Garden Centre Chris. The figurines and Statues are so stunning. Free coffee is a great incentive to bring people in too. Hubby is looking well. Hugs Rita xxx

  13. I read Call of the Wild when I was in fifth grade so I don't remember that much about it except that I loved it and think I cried at the end. I saw a clip and it will take me a while to get used to the CGI dog, I think.

    I've never seen so many statues in such a variety at a Garden Store--wow! Thanks for the tour. :)

  14. So many tempting offerings at the garden center :) The sausage roll looks delicious! Happy T Day :)

  15. I love going to garden centres, can’t believe all those statues, our German neighbours who live at the back of us have strange naked nymphs in their garden, when their friends next door had young grandkids over for holidays they would cover them with clothes, ha,ha,, I quite like the apples though.
    Steve’s favourite, sausage rolls, well sausages in general!
    Have a great weekend
    Jan x

  16. That dragon, I think... if I had a garden, it would´ve joined me on the way home!
    LOL. I have such a head in the bathroom. For tissues. They come out of his nose.
    "Dangerous" place, and, hmmmm... sausage rolls! Belated happy T-day!
