Tuesday 16 October 2018

Trick or Treat?

Hi everyone, back from some very rainy days at our caravan and straight into a busy day of something not so nice - a friend's funeral, and a pleasure - a meal out and a Caro Emerald concert!

Our new theme at Try It On Tuesday is 'Trick or Treat'. Usually I struggle with anything Halloween - not this time, with the help of my little friend Roddy Raven(you can maybe guess why I have called him Roddy!)by Crafty Individuals
I decided to use a tag cut from watercolour paper and added some Infusions powders (this is also one of the 31 products I am using in the challenge set by Birgit Koopsen - I will show you the other tags later today)
I added some random stamping and then added 'Roddy'. From a peculiar reaction with the paper, as well as the raven's eye, I can also see two more eyes (tell me I'm not going mad!!)The Edgar Allan Poe verse is part of the same stamp set and the spiders were from a freebie set. Spatters? Of course!

As usual, our Design Team has pulled out all the eyes stops, and would love you to take a look! The challenge runs for two weeks and of course there is the chance to be in our Top 5. 

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Fabulous tag! You have created such wonderful details and I love your new raven stamp 😀. I can't look at it too long though as I don't like spiders, maybe your raven could eat them all for me ...lol 😉. Happy and creative wishes! J 😊 x

  2. That's a great challenge! I love seeing that raven's head again! Super tag Chris. Hugs-Erika

  3. An awesome tag Chris and it is good to see that fantastic raven image again.
    I'm not so sure about those spiders, they would have me getting out of their way at a rapid pace.
    Yvonne xx

  4. You are a pro with this special raven image! A wonderful tag - I love all the details and the little spiders! Spooky art and really stylish at once! Gorgeous!
    Big hugs and happy TioT!

  5. A fabulous tag Chris, I love that raven image and the background looks great, (yes I can see 2 eyes in your background).
    Avril xx

  6. well that's a very mixed day you're having.. hope everything went ok and you enjoy the meal and concert (Who??!) great tag - just going to check the bath again for spiders, i keep finding them in there...

  7. Eek! Spiders! Great design for Halloween :)

    I am sorry for the loss of your friend.

  8. Love the raven tag Chris, that stamp fell into my basket too at Port Sunlight
    I only got confirmation I was actually going three days before although I had the tickets for weeks, was waiting to make sure friends husband was well enough to take us!

    Joan x

  9. I apologize for visiting so late, but this was the first time I felt good enough to get out of bed. How is it I missed this? I love this tag. What a great entry for this challenge at TioT.
